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Maintenance Pending forum upgrade

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Within the next month or so i'll be looking at pushing a forum upgrade, this is long overdue and brings some really nice features to members.

As some of the plugins we have are no longer suported in the latest version we may be losing some features and replacing them with alternatives.

Most major change is that we will lose post ratings and it will be replaced with xenforos new inbuild content reactions. I'll be looking closely as to whether these can be imported.

All forum forms will require a change of plugin and require recreation.

I'll be looking to set up a test version and have everything fully functional for upgrade to minimise impact on downtime, however please note the forum may incur some downtime. I will announce a date when i can pinpoint spare time although i'll be looking at getting the ball rolling on this shortly.

Things might change, but we'll be looking to change them for the better.