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  • broke older laptop, found better version of it (better screen, larger HDD, and other things that made it more expensive) ~1/5th orig. price
    Been at the vet since 8:45 this morning (now 2:00) to get two doggies tooth cleanings. Very hungry and still waiting for one to be done.
    Well, at least I can still say that I voted for a candidate I agreed with. And I'm allowed to complain because I actually voted! :p
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    Reactions: blie4
    And that's okay, it's just the democratic process at work...

    Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it, but it's still a process.
    Happy Halloween, Merry Sam Hain, and whatever else is historically on this specific date :D
    Vares is back up and running for now. Puzzles 5, 6, and 7 have had some reworking done. May fix up 1 and 3 next
    If anyone is stuck in Vares, please assist them in leaving. Puzzle 6 is being switched and calibration is proving tedious.
    Out of curiosity, would anyone be interested in an RPG night/day via Roll20? Been wanting to play again, but my old group is gone :/
    Back home, but have to stay in the guest room because my room became temporary storage while working on things, lol
    I'm going to be disappearing for a few days after this Thursday or Friday. My job went bye bye last Thursday and I'm moving back home.
    @Jsnick XD You forgot the rules of OS's: 1) Apple computers for audio/visual work; 2) Windows for gaming; 3) Linux for coding
    So far, the only thing I don't like about the current forum is it brings me to the new post THEN loads the images of the page, no biggy
    There would be very little i'd be able to do about that as it's built into the skin. The only way to fix that issue would probably involve setting a stationary background.
    @Chillers I know, ran out of characters before I could type "but I know there is little to nothing that can be done" so I said "no biggie" instead :p
    Chill is one of the few people here who could remember me ranting as a new white every time I had to start over because of mob parkour :p
    Don't you hate when you get screwed over in a game because of windows updating right at that particular moment?
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