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  1. nahfackler

    YouTube Video

  2. nahfackler

    The Talos Principle

    What I can't open the door then what happens?
  3. nahfackler

    Really sleek? Dance Dance Revolution? Only with monkeys?

    Really sleek? Dance Dance Revolution? Only with monkeys?
  4. nahfackler

    The Talos Principle

    Not a bad choice, I do love puzzles, But how did this topic go from talking about the game to criticizing Steam?
  5. nahfackler

    YouTube Video

    Did you have to remind me of Flarsh's map? While you guys make a list of recordable maps I have a couple that can be recorded Doodle Jump in FFA regular parkour Pixel Parkour make sure to end part one before you do the poke ball and part two will be when you are at the pig J's Jumpcourse in...
  6. nahfackler

    YouTube Video

    Other than the cussing used, it's a great video I remember when this was in Hc The good old times
  7. nahfackler

    Now Announcing: Ninja Warrior 6!

    This makes wonder... How many are signed up How many more are gonna sign up? I lost track after 23
  8. nahfackler

    Congrats creeper, welcome to chemistry and its complex subject

    Congrats creeper, welcome to chemistry and its complex subject
  9. nahfackler

    Now Announcing: Ninja Warrior 6!

    I think it is a tv is a little embarrassing to live in the USA and not know what the ANW exactly is I am amazed at how many people are active and are signing up for this "May the odds be ever in your favor." Quote from The Hunger Games But I do mean it, May the best man win and...
  10. nahfackler

    Quiet night in the USA without a 100 degree day

    Quiet night in the USA without a 100 degree day
  11. nahfackler

    Please pray that I do not have juvenile arthritis and that I recover quickly

    Please pray that I do not have juvenile arthritis and that I recover quickly
  12. nahfackler

    I decided that falling down a mountain was a bad idea

    I decided that falling down a mountain was a bad idea
  13. nahfackler

    Happy Fourth of July if you live in the United States of America

    Happy Fourth of July if you live in the United States of America
  14. nahfackler

    Minr Mafia 14 - The Unknown

    #votepieceofcheese87 Because it is all HIS fault that I could not block the lynchings also It's his fault that I couldn't stop innocent people from dying Also, he STARTED this big mess Why Mafia do you have to be SO cruel? Why do I have to DIE young?
  15. nahfackler

    I am gonna start schoolwork early...

    I am gonna start schoolwork early...
  16. nahfackler

    I had a REALLY freaky dream last night... I dreamt that I beat HC in human form. @Zath I...

    I had a REALLY freaky dream last night... I dreamt that I beat HC in human form. @Zath I remember when C_dric was a greenie
  17. nahfackler

    Minr Mafia 14 - The Unknown

    Well, guys there goes your hero. And I won my bet There's my proof that I was innocent In the obituary.... nahfackler, a bachelor who played on the server 8hrs a day at the beginning of the school year was declared dead. investigators suspect that a mob of bullies shoved him off the cliff...
  18. nahfackler

    Minr Mafia 14 - The Unknown

    How about I prove that I am not a mafia I am gonna bet against you that I am not a mafia I swear upon it Pretty soon you will regret it #votenahfackler
  19. nahfackler

    I need help adjusting to having normal daylight hours. Alaska didn't have darkness.

    I need help adjusting to having normal daylight hours. Alaska didn't have darkness.
  20. nahfackler

    Minr Mafia 14 - The Unknown

    In,my defense, I play a young person's role Ask piece about my age tonight and you will find out that you are pointing fingers at the wrong person And question to all of you, have any of you asked about my age? If so, have you asked about my class? Ask piece those questions in order.