Search results

  1. LordSpectilas

    Question 1.13?

    I'm wondering why the server uses 1.13 because in my experiences it really seems like 1.8 is arguably the most suitable and stable version for parkour (since this server is dedicated to parkour). I'm assuming there is some technical or behind the scenes reasons, such as a plug-in or something. I...
  2. LordSpectilas

    Minr Mafia 21 Sign Ups

    LordSpectilas Hemmingway Male I like to play basketball in the snow
  3. LordSpectilas

    Greatest memory

    For some reason I can remember one memory with Red_Eyed_Cat on a map with lava and nether, and we did it like 6 times.
  4. LordSpectilas


  5. LordSpectilas

    What's the Weirdest Thing You've Seen in Minecraft?

    Strangest thing I have ever seen?? " Failed to connect to the server You are banned for: Green helped you on HC8, Appeal at Expires: Never "
  6. LordSpectilas

    This or That

    Ferris Wheel. Light or Dark
  7. LordSpectilas

    Now Announcing: Ninja Warrior 6!

    Oh, I wish i could participate :(
  8. LordSpectilas

    Realm Of The Mad God

    Does anyone play Realm Of The Mad God? I feel so lonely when i play :(
  9. LordSpectilas

    Is minr still alive?

    I was just wondering if anyone still goes on or plays on minr anymore?
  10. LordSpectilas

    Server Records;Time

    Hello. I was always wondering why this server could not implament this, or has not yet, but I believe the server should have a system where when you start, a time starts. Then, lets say I beat minco in 1min, it would then be displayed. For each map, there would be a record(Server Record). Thats...
  11. LordSpectilas

    Things to do 2015 [Humor]

    -get good
  12. LordSpectilas


    5:00 ??
  13. LordSpectilas


    I swear, it was 3 years yesterday o_O (I believe when people could go outside and find gold blocks?) Anyway, happy to be here for (3-4 years I believe) Any one else staying up till 12:00? :p
  14. LordSpectilas

    Change one word in the sentence.

    [9] Crawl like a caterpillar, eat like a pig
  15. LordSpectilas

    5 letters

    Shrek knows you love Arianna R A I S A
  16. LordSpectilas

    5 letters

    Larry and ugene get hugs G H O S T
  17. LordSpectilas

    This or That

    Steam lol. Waffles or Pancakes?
  18. LordSpectilas

    A Few Free Game Codes

    No Garrys Mod/CS:S? D:
  19. LordSpectilas

    PC Broke :\

    PC Broke :\
  20. LordSpectilas

    This or That

    Tic Tacs? lol Apple juice or Orange juice