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  1. Zatharel

    Complete Chronological Map List

    Unless you're listing the rework, Eternity can't be right because it definitely predates The Gallery and probably even The Story.
  2. Zatharel

    happy bithday <3

    happy bithday <3
  3. Zatharel

    Event Pink Coin In Orbit!

    Count me in.
  4. Zatharel

    Happy birthday Craz:)

    Happy birthday Craz:)
  5. Zatharel

    Game Survivor (In Progress)

  6. Zatharel

    love you too

    love you too
  7. Zatharel

    Minr Mafia XXII - Spirits (Game Over)

    I don't like your tone Mr. Conductor, but circumstances beyond the 4th wall have forced me to buy a ticket.
  8. Zatharel

    Minr Secret Santa - 5 Years Strong

    @Pieceofcheese87 Merry christmas piece! I took your gift a bit literally... Unfortunately I can't get on today to get the exact coords, but the gift is located behind the sphinx you built last year. I will edit this post tomorrow with specifics. I'll check it out tomorrow and give you an...
  9. Zatharel

    Minr Secret Santa - 5 Years Strong

    Sign me up!
  10. Zatharel


  11. Zatharel

    Update [1.13] Update has concluded

    Someone told me that Delta has no border, I haven't checked yet. Wasn't the point to have a tight border so that we'd build close together like the old days?
  12. Zatharel

    Question Inaros

    When 1.13 hits, I'll start fixing it.
  13. Zatharel

    Resolved [1.13] Departure problems.

    Possible fix would be just setting the brewing stand to a new one every time someone goes in then?
  14. Zatharel

    Resolved [1.13] Departure problems.

    There's no need for a clear. That level is broken and automatically kills you. It will be removed in the next update to the map.
  15. Zatharel

    happiest of happy birthdays buddy <3

    happiest of happy birthdays buddy <3
  16. Zatharel

    Event Purple Comet in Orbit!

    Available September 8th, not 1st.
  17. Zatharel

    Stapes - The Basement EP

    Heard the first couple of tracks and I can already see where the strokes comparisons are coming from, lol. Short version is I like it, especially Boardwalk which you cleverly made a single, but I have some suggestions that I'll write up when I get home the end of this week. I've followed you...
  18. Zatharel

    Minr Mafia 21: Welcome Aboard!

    oh, okay btw @CreepaShadowz I had red shoot you because you threatened us as neutrals. Wasn't really a calculated move tbh. We knew fire would revive you so we just decieed to shoot you as a spit in youe face for threatening us. sorry buddy, all in thw spirit of the game ❤️❤️