

Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
I'm hoping a few of you have heard of this amazing title. If not, allow me to enlighten you.

This series of games was a planned trilogy, though only two were released, one in 2010 and one in 2011.
Both are flash games, meaning they're free-to-play on a website.
The games were metroidvania styled, meaning that you start with almost no abilities, and gain more and more so you can access areas you couldn't previously. Unfortunately, the creator of the games, Antony Lavelle, left the company Armor Games before he could finish the trilogy.

The story is so creative that I don't want to spoil much, but let's just say you're a broken robot trying to please Mother.
You'll also need to listen to the soundtrack, its awesome.

Anyway, 5 days ago or so, the creator suddenly sprang back to life, unveiling that he is working on finishing and remaking the entire series in 3D. This thrilled me so much, I wanted to share it on here. Unfortunately he needs funding for the remakes and 3rd entry to the series, so if you're interested in checking it out click here. That link will also provide much more info than I can about these games, and there's a video that will explain this much better than I can. (Also, if you look in the backers list, I've funded it as well!)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy these two short flash games, I sure did. :)


Not a Peon
Nov 3, 2013
Things are looking dim for the Kickstarter, but I'm glad you guys enjoyed the flash games. :) He still needs about £18,000 if he sticks with the current goal, and he currently has ~£7,000 and a week left, so I don't think it'll be successfully funded. :p