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Minr Mafia 12: Creature Feature!
To skip to the rules, head to the green "Rules" heading. Feel free to come back to the story later.
Upon getting banned from the forums, most players spent a lot of time moping about the interwebs in their spare time. Browsing imgur, reddit, tumblr, facebook; it was all for naught. They thought they had a community strong enough to hold together even when Minecraft was falling apart. Apparently, they did not.
Over the next weeks, without consulting each other, they each logged on Zero to see the Chinatown they had built not long ago. It was a symbol of teamwork and strength, and it stood tall but barren on a server that was nearly empty. Roaming the city for what they thought would be their last time, they found a new shack that had not been there before. Inside, two signs hung on the wall. One was a link; the other, a server IP. The link went to a download site for some "Creature Feature" mod coded by none other than "yeroc424", and the IP of the other sign read "12.minr.org". Figuring the mod was needed to play on 12, the players installed the mod and headed over to 12. Once the last members got there, they found a server of 27 active players waiting to see what was in store. Little did they know that they had opted to be part of yeroc's grand simulation.
Rules (and there are a LOT of them):
Each of you will be receiving an initial Mob. Everyone will have a different mob. The mob alignments are Passives, Neutrals, and Aggressives. The typical win condition for each Passive is to be alive after all Aggressives are dead. The typical win condition for each Aggressive is to be alive after all Passives are dead. There typical win condition for the Neutrals is to be alive after either the Aggressives or Passives are dead. However, some roles have modified win conditions, so pay attention to what your PM says. There are about the same number of Passives as there are Aggressives, and there are very few Neutrals.
Like in Round 3, everyone has an initial health value and an attack damage value. If your health hits 0, you are dead. Most players may attack one player in their biome each day and night, but there are exceptions to be covered in the PM. Each day and night, you will have a chance to see the username (yeroc424, etc) of who is in your biome via PM. When you attack, name the username you wish to attack. When you are attacked, you will see the Mob name instead (Spider, etc). Also, when there is an attack attempt, I will most likely note it in the story during the next day or night. Thus, either a successful or failed attack may cause your Mob to be mentioned. It would be in your best interest to guard your Mob identity, since if the other team knows where you are and that you've been hit, they may come to finish you off! To enforce this, if anyone announces via the forum thread the Mob of any person (including themselves), whether correct or incorrect, they will be disqualified. If someone catches a screenshot of this occuring in open chat in MC, send it to me and disqualification will occur there as well (so please use /msg or skype or forum PM). There aren't Rats in Minecraft yet, so don't try playing a Rat when I gave you something else.
Don't assume you know what team a player is on just by the Mobs. I made a few edits to the traditional alignments, so you might be befriending an enemy or a Neutral if you don't certainly know their alignment.
There is a map consisting of 9 biomes:
Each day and night, you may move between biomes connected by a black line. For example, moving from Cave to Stronghold is possible, but Stronghold to Village is not. If you attempt to move, and somebody attacks you at the same time, a coin flip will determine whether you are hit or not. You will still end up at the new location if you are still alive. Weather and other conditions will affect these biomes differently (ex: Plain, Ocean, Mushroom Island, and Village are all affected by rain, lightning, and other weather conditions). I will specify if any of these biomes have special effects on you in your PM. Do not assume that everyone that spawns in the same biome with you is on your team. The only giveaway is that all initial Nether creatures are Aggressives, and all initial Village creatures are Passives. If you are one of these people, you'll know a few of your teammates from the start. Everyone else, do what you can to deduce the other players.
Updates will occur every day at approximately 10pm EST. We will start with Day 1, and the next updates go --> Night --> Day --> Night etc. I will PM you your role and biome-mates when the game starts. Since it should go fairly quickly with a lot of info passed around each update, I will enforce catastrophic events should the game go longer than it really needs to.
The first day will start on my Tuesday night, since you all need time to digest the rules. Please inbox me any questions you have, and if it's really glaring, ask it in the thread. I'll give as much info as I'm needed.
To skip to the rules, head to the green "Rules" heading. Feel free to come back to the story later.
Upon getting banned from the forums, most players spent a lot of time moping about the interwebs in their spare time. Browsing imgur, reddit, tumblr, facebook; it was all for naught. They thought they had a community strong enough to hold together even when Minecraft was falling apart. Apparently, they did not.
Over the next weeks, without consulting each other, they each logged on Zero to see the Chinatown they had built not long ago. It was a symbol of teamwork and strength, and it stood tall but barren on a server that was nearly empty. Roaming the city for what they thought would be their last time, they found a new shack that had not been there before. Inside, two signs hung on the wall. One was a link; the other, a server IP. The link went to a download site for some "Creature Feature" mod coded by none other than "yeroc424", and the IP of the other sign read "12.minr.org". Figuring the mod was needed to play on 12, the players installed the mod and headed over to 12. Once the last members got there, they found a server of 27 active players waiting to see what was in store. Little did they know that they had opted to be part of yeroc's grand simulation.
Rules (and there are a LOT of them):
Each of you will be receiving an initial Mob. Everyone will have a different mob. The mob alignments are Passives, Neutrals, and Aggressives. The typical win condition for each Passive is to be alive after all Aggressives are dead. The typical win condition for each Aggressive is to be alive after all Passives are dead. There typical win condition for the Neutrals is to be alive after either the Aggressives or Passives are dead. However, some roles have modified win conditions, so pay attention to what your PM says. There are about the same number of Passives as there are Aggressives, and there are very few Neutrals.
Like in Round 3, everyone has an initial health value and an attack damage value. If your health hits 0, you are dead. Most players may attack one player in their biome each day and night, but there are exceptions to be covered in the PM. Each day and night, you will have a chance to see the username (yeroc424, etc) of who is in your biome via PM. When you attack, name the username you wish to attack. When you are attacked, you will see the Mob name instead (Spider, etc). Also, when there is an attack attempt, I will most likely note it in the story during the next day or night. Thus, either a successful or failed attack may cause your Mob to be mentioned. It would be in your best interest to guard your Mob identity, since if the other team knows where you are and that you've been hit, they may come to finish you off! To enforce this, if anyone announces via the forum thread the Mob of any person (including themselves), whether correct or incorrect, they will be disqualified. If someone catches a screenshot of this occuring in open chat in MC, send it to me and disqualification will occur there as well (so please use /msg or skype or forum PM). There aren't Rats in Minecraft yet, so don't try playing a Rat when I gave you something else.
Don't assume you know what team a player is on just by the Mobs. I made a few edits to the traditional alignments, so you might be befriending an enemy or a Neutral if you don't certainly know their alignment.
There is a map consisting of 9 biomes:
Each day and night, you may move between biomes connected by a black line. For example, moving from Cave to Stronghold is possible, but Stronghold to Village is not. If you attempt to move, and somebody attacks you at the same time, a coin flip will determine whether you are hit or not. You will still end up at the new location if you are still alive. Weather and other conditions will affect these biomes differently (ex: Plain, Ocean, Mushroom Island, and Village are all affected by rain, lightning, and other weather conditions). I will specify if any of these biomes have special effects on you in your PM. Do not assume that everyone that spawns in the same biome with you is on your team. The only giveaway is that all initial Nether creatures are Aggressives, and all initial Village creatures are Passives. If you are one of these people, you'll know a few of your teammates from the start. Everyone else, do what you can to deduce the other players.
Updates will occur every day at approximately 10pm EST. We will start with Day 1, and the next updates go --> Night --> Day --> Night etc. I will PM you your role and biome-mates when the game starts. Since it should go fairly quickly with a lot of info passed around each update, I will enforce catastrophic events should the game go longer than it really needs to.
The first day will start on my Tuesday night, since you all need time to digest the rules. Please inbox me any questions you have, and if it's really glaring, ask it in the thread. I'll give as much info as I'm needed.