This awesome website


Green #666
Nov 4, 2013
(Link is at the bottom)
If you liked Never Ending Story and the crossroads game, you need to check this out.

There are two stories on this website, and the idea is that you have two choices at the beginning, each one taking you to a different mini-chapter, or "episode." The story then keeps branching out, with you choosing paths until you restart, start looping back, or run into an uncreated episode, since both stories have no true endings.

Now, here's the really cool part: you can create these new episodes. You don't even need to sign up. Just click "Create this episode" and you'll be on your way.

The first story, The Never Ending Quest, is about a soldier who goes on a mission to slay a dragon and has to navigate through a complex cave system to find him. This one is older and I'm guessing considerably longer than the second one, and I'd highly recommend starting here.

The second one is called The Black Void. I don't know as much about this one, but basically the story starts in complete nothingness and you get to choose how it takes shape, starting with the main character and working from there.

I really think some of you would love this, because it has all the elements of the aforementioned forum games plus a choose your own adventure style. Some final advice regarding The Never Ending Quest: Don't bother going on a first-option run unless you have mountains of time to kill. And don't be surprised if you meet St. Peter.