Towerfall Giveaway!


Professional Lurker
Nov 6, 2013
Hi All!

I recently got another key to Towerfall Ascension, a great game that I enjoy playing a lot. Its essentially a FFA rpg like game, but here is the synopsis from steam:

"TowerFall Ascension is the definitive version of the hit archery combat game. Inspired by classics from the golden age of couch multiplayer, it's a 4-player local party game centering around hilarious, intense versus matches. The core mechanics are simple and accessible, but hard to master and combat is fierce" -Steam

Note, this key does not include the Dark World Expansion.

If you want to enter into this giveaway, just make any comment below. On the 16th I will close the giveaway, and choose a random person from the thread. I'll send you the key then. Note, the only requirement is you have steam, it runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux.