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  1. R

    Minr Mafia 21 Sign Ups

    A matey would like to sign up! rmanimal yeske Attack Helicopter Ice can melt in my hand
  2. R

    Suggestion The Orange room of In Rainbows

    I do use Optifine
  3. R

    Suggestion The Orange room of In Rainbows

    As it currently stands, the first Orange Room in In Rainbows produces a lot of lag for low-performance computers, such as mine. Currently, I can't beat the map myself due to the lag from the room. I request that either the lava that creates most of the room's lag be toned down a bit, or that a...
  4. R

    Change one word in the sentence.

    [7] The smooth glod monsters professed antidisestablishmentarianismn to fracture the uprising of whities
  5. R

    Suggestion Hexa: Chronological Mode

    I feel like including the 66 lives mechanic into another 'mode' deters from the overall purpose of adding a new mode. If it's entirely set on map release date and development though the years, it just seems like an unnecessary handicap to the mode. If the mode is added, however, we need to...
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    Change one word in the sentence.

    [10] Odin's children THAT die, exterminating jabberwockies THAT die [1] The greasy pumpkin monsters used defenestration to fracture the uprising of Cthulhu.
  7. R

    Suggestion Give most maps automatic saturation

    The only thing I could see this affecting is speedrun times, since if a map is long enough requires eating sometime during the run. Some maps will create faster times with this new saturation, but there's a small amount, reliant on heavy amounts of damage, that will surprisingly become slower...
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    Resolved Miner's Millions Bug

  9. R

    The Results are in!

    The Results are in!
  10. R

    Change one word in the sentence.

    [2] The dog who was on a log near a bog decided to flog a Godzilla who had a bat which he was using to hit a gnat
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    Change one word in the sentence.

    [8] Jamie tossed her mittens destroying the hospital while watching shrimp.
  12. R

    Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

    #vote CreepaShadowz
  13. R

    Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

    If he IS neutral though and isn't giving out info about which class he is, we can then eliminate alchemist and mercenary, considering there's no reason to not claim in the position he's at. The fool is simple enough to avoid, just either kill him at night or wait him out. Quite possibly you...
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    Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

    Sending guard protects someone at night, and it can defend anyone (including myself) If the knights defended against an attack, it will notify me. It can only state that it defended against someone, it doesn't state how many people attacked or the role/type of person that attacked. The main...
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    Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

    Alright, let's get things rolling Someone tried to attack me tonight. Who? +Watch for any people who have abruptly stopped chatting. Likely thing is, they're already dead Other technical thingies: Innocents remaining - Probably 14 or 16 Neutrals - 2 or 3? Mafia - 2 - 3 - 4 yeah this game is...
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    Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

    As the king, I decree my vote to everyone #vote everyone best decision yes
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    Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

    "I wonder what my role is"
  18. R

    Event Ninja Warrior 2018

    That trapdoor ladder is the worst
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    Event Ninja Warrior 2018

    6 fail quads 3 being absent 7 beat stage 1
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    Minr Mafia 20 - Throne of Lies Edition

    I am here and ready to kill participate in this game.