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  1. c_dric


  2. c_dric


  3. c_dric


    To create a L8 portal you need, i think, 8 L8+ players, as you can only place one L8 resonator per portal. To capture it, well i've never tried myself but i'm guessing you need at least a few L8+ players or a huge amount of busters. There is a 'virus' atm that's making the portals decay in 5...
  4. c_dric


    Another 600k AP / 20 days rush to lvl8 and i'll slow down a bit. Once at L8, you're kinda like a new green on zero, you have access to all the items. Lvls 9 to 16 don't give any advantages ingame, it just improves your status in the local communities. Which is good if you want to organize big ops.
  5. c_dric


    For those looking for a way to level up quickly, you really should read this earlier post. I used the same strat, in a neighboring town on the BE side this time, and made 75k AP in a few hours. I've visited most of the portals there 2 or 3 times. Capturing them if they were unclaimed...
  6. c_dric


    If it asks to verify your phone number, do it. You'll then be able to have up to 2000 items.
  7. c_dric


    GPS doesn't need to know your country, it just triangulates your coords. If Google maps knows your country, it should work. Maybe a problem with your GPS or a bug in the game.
  8. c_dric


    Until you're lvl 4, there is no point attacking them. But you can hack them, you will lose some XMP but you will gain 100 AP and a few high level items (if the portals are high level). To level up more quickly you should look on for a town or city near you with a...
  9. c_dric


    Forgot to put the donation link.
  10. c_dric


    And Lvl 6. (You need to double your Action Points to level up.) My legs and feet are starting to get used to 4+ hours of walking a day. But my phone's battery will rage quit after 4h of GPS/Data/Ingress at the same time. So i will need some external batteries. And a mobile solar panel to...
  11. c_dric

    Scumbag admin

    Waits for you to downgrade your client before updating the server.
  12. c_dric


    I had to zoom out for this screenshot as i had to go to work today. For reference the area in my previous screenshot is in the white frame. So i created a 44 km / 27 miles long control field from Cadzand (NL), just accross the border from where i live, to Ghent (BE) where i work. It's about...
  13. c_dric


    Just kidding, copying, pasting... *bullet time*
  14. c_dric


    Sorry @skyerzz , they talked to the other guy using a Windows Phone and he didn't like it :/
  15. c_dric


    Been playing for 5 days. Most of the portals on the right side are mine or maintained by me.,3.273305&z=15 You do need a 'recent' android/iCult phone, a working gps and a decent data connection. And you gonna like to move. I've walked at least an...
  16. c_dric


    I'm with the greens :)
  17. c_dric


    Anyone playing Ingress?
  18. c_dric


  19. c_dric

    Resolved Problems with logging on

    I just restarted the game server. (I'll check the logs later today)
  20. c_dric

    Google Map of Zero - December 2013

    The rendering was put on hold as there was a huge sponge square covering the map.