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  1. Srentiln

    Resolved Miner's level 10 broken

    I'm going to hazard a guess that the left banner is the issue. It looks like one that could have multiple ways to get the same background on it. @rmanimal , do you agree?
  2. Srentiln

    Resolved Miner's Millions banners

    @rmanimal I am interested in knowing if this is due to scripting (ie: added that into the script for the purpose of testing the map) or an error in how minrscripts processes
  3. Srentiln

    I have a secret

    Drah is nicer than I would be when it comes to that. I'd set it up to automatically change each time someone got the correct one :p
  4. Srentiln


    Just be glad that the itteration of HC you are in has checkpoints, food, and health regen :p Best of luck to all our blues working towards green.
  5. Srentiln

    Resolved hc 2 redstone

    Sounds like either a feedback issue or frozen redstone.
  6. Srentiln

    I have a secret

    I kinda enjoyed it once I was out of HC... Personally, I see no difference between a death restart and a walk restart. It's like STS, either way it's still staring from the beginning. I would say a restart sign in these instances is also basically the same thing.
  7. Srentiln

    Suggestion Challenge Ideas

    you said there is a DOOR! challenge...For a while my points were DOOR!
  8. Srentiln

    Suggestion Challenge Ideas

    wait...someone took my map points joke and made it into a challenge?
  9. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

    While I agree that the flavor text of the role shapes the play, I still play it as "this is me with these circumstances happening" rather than the D&D route because (for the most part) the community is the setting. I have no qualms with mixing it up by focusing on different aspects, nor with...
  10. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

    @yeroc424 , if anything the statement is meant as a compliment stating that you are a very skilled player. I see absolutely no information that can be gained from reading the statement that would benefit someone in discerning your intent. If anything, I see it as being on the same level as my...
  11. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

    I really screwed up when I decided batrey's actions were suspicious. When creepa was asking me my opinion on how to handle the mod kill and mentioned that zath had stated he would call shenanigans, I knew he was mafia and kicked myself. Now, I wanted to ask other people's opinions on if this...
  12. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

    Well, shoot. We now know that the theory was just coincidental correlation with the first vote. I'm going to just shut up since I caused this one -.-
  13. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

    Never said you had to explain, but an explanation beyond the initial statement is appreciated. As to yeroc's theory, you were not the only option for the next logical conclusion. I can understand you being wary of the option of yourself, but I know that--had I been in the same situation--I...
  14. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

    I want to hear zath's response to this, but building on the theory we tested, I'm going to have to #vote bstrey I could very easily be wrong to listen to yeroc's earlier post, but the evidence thus far points to him being independent. If he was mafia, pointing out other mafia would have been...
  15. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

    You know, this is rather interesting to me. We did the luma vote to test yeroc's theory. The vote revealed luma to be mafia. Now, instead of looking further into it, we are back to afk removal.
  16. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

    That would be hilarious if creepa made that a requirement for his role
  17. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

    I'm a bit suspicious of both ricky and sleek with their wording. However, I don't feel I have sufficient info to make a judgement either way.
  18. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

    no message for me. yea, z's death would only make sense as a frame job or if he managed to touch on something.
  19. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

    The question is, did they go quiet because they are mafia and are scared by luma's removal, or are unable to come to the thread (4th of July travel in the US)
  20. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia XIX: Retribution

    So, since pro was a good vote, do we want to play with fire and test the theory with a second person?