Search results

  1. Metsune

    Resolved Unfair In Rainbows Rocket Jump

    Changed and fixed
  2. Metsune

    Suggestion Hard Mazes Pack

    Oh damn, I didn't even see that in the challenge packs part of spawn.
  3. Metsune

    Suggestion Hard Mazes Pack

    There seems to be a lack of a hard mazes pack, thought I would suggest one: Suggested number of challenge points: 65 Maps (in order) To Be Kind Spectrum Crazy Cane Tower Prowl Necropolis Pearl Telepads Invictus Grid Hopper Aquarium Shri Tra Savern If you have suggestions for other maps or...
  4. Metsune

    Question Inaros

  5. Metsune

    happy bday grave!

    happy bday grave!
  6. Metsune

    Resolved Unfair In Rainbows Rocket Jump

    I'll see what I can do
  7. Metsune

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  8. Metsune

    Stapes - The Basement EP

    Very strokes-esque. Enjoyed this quite a bit. Like chillers said keep putting your self out there. i'll buy your debut lp..
  9. Metsune


  10. Metsune

    Event Glod's Plan

    I'm in! Can't wait to play it. Should be available for both sessions (hopefully)
  11. Metsune

    Suggestion The Orange room of In Rainbows

    If you want to come on to the server, we can create a duplicate version with no lava
  12. Metsune

    recently it's been 1 year since i first joined minr. it's been great

    recently it's been 1 year since i first joined minr. it's been great
  13. Metsune

    Change one word in the sentence.

    [6] Odin's children THAT BITE, Odin's CLAWS THAT CATCH!
  14. Metsune

    Change one word in the sentence.

    [5] I once ate a vegan person but they tasted like cardboard.
  15. Metsune

    Change one word in the sentence.

    [3] I once ate a vegan person and it tasted like cardboard.
  16. Metsune

    Change one word in the sentence.

    [7] Hey mom, I got a demon soul!
  17. Metsune

    Change one word in the sentence.

    [5] Hey mom, I got a new soul!
  18. Metsune

    Suggestion Title Ideas

    Maybe VOTER - *month*
  19. Metsune

    in rainbows hype

    in rainbows hype
  20. Metsune

    Broadcast Donations - Now open! - April fools!

    Absolutely. $50 coming your way.