Search results

  1. blie4

    Suggestion Ranks After Green

    What's up? Jokes aside, I think the award command is a great idea. It provides additional challenges without a clear cosmetic award, but also a nice objective for any bored completionists.
  2. blie4

    Suggestion Ranks After Green

    My thoughts on this: Our community is very closely knit largely due to the fact that we all share the similar rank of greenie, and we've all gone through the same ordeals of Hardcore. I have to admit, I don't have many friends on the server that are blues, and none (off the top of my head) that...
  3. blie4

    The ops and blues have taken over the forums!

    The ops and blues have taken over the forums!
  4. blie4

    I am LOVING Undertale. Highest rated PC game of all time on Metacritic already!

    I am LOVING Undertale. Highest rated PC game of all time on Metacritic already!
  5. blie4

    Super Mario Maker

    Since I know at least 3 of us have this game, I thought it would be cool to make a thread where we could share the levels we make in Super Mario Maker for Wii U. My Levels: Easy...? - ID: Spookini's Spook House -...
  6. blie4

    Anyone else have Super Mario Maker? I'm thinking of starting a thread for sharing levels...

    Anyone else have Super Mario Maker? I'm thinking of starting a thread for sharing levels, depending on how many people own it.
  7. blie4

    MM XV - Savern Taren-Odern

    I haven't been piping up much due to work ending for the season in a week and school starting, but I would like to point out that Cory and Freak definitely claim to have had some sort of contact with each other before the lynching. Want to share what exactly went on, @corygolfanatic , in an...
  8. blie4

    Memories of Minr

    I remember you for getting me to watch (and thoroughly enjoy) probably hundreds of hours of anime by now. ;)
  9. blie4

    Pokemon Go

    I'm super hyped for this, actually. I loved the concept of Ingress but never really got into it, I think the familiarity of Pokemon will bring a nice breath of life into the genre.
  10. blie4

    Silence is not a bad thing Creeper, most of the action I've seen in MM takes place outside of...

    Silence is not a bad thing Creeper, most of the action I've seen in MM takes place outside of the thread anyway. I'm enjoying it.
  11. blie4

    MM XV - Savern Taren-Odern

    I'm actively watching the thread, I just don't really have anything to contribute at the moment, unless you want more space memes. heh
  12. blie4

    Congrats everyone on the well-earned promotions!

    Congrats everyone on the well-earned promotions!
  13. blie4


  14. blie4

    mm15 sign up

    Strap me to an explosive missile and vanquish me to the depths of the innermost workings of our universe (Sign me up): blie4
  15. blie4

    I have every single Smash Bros. amiibo released in North America! \o/

    I have every single Smash Bros. amiibo released in North America! \o/
  16. blie4

    Happy birthday Zath! ^-^

    Happy birthday Zath! ^-^
  17. blie4

    I got my braces off after 6 years! \o/

    I got my braces off after 6 years! \o/
  18. blie4

    Anybody know a reliable site/download for Mother 3?

    Anybody know a reliable site/download for Mother 3?
  19. blie4

    Mirai Nikki OST

    Hey everyone, so I've basically been in an anime-coma the past week thanks to @magicdem0n11. :p Magic introduced me to my currently-favorite show ever, Mirai Nikki. Even better though, this show has some pretty dang rad music. Check out a couple of my favorites: Oh, and Magic gets all the...
  20. blie4

    Online Service IDs

    Steam: blie4 Nintendo Network: blierd4 3DS Friend Code: 3437-3531-1323