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  1. magicdem0n11


  2. magicdem0n11

    I think i need to have a little talk with you nah.......... :3

    I think i need to have a little talk with you nah.......... :3
  3. magicdem0n11

    hell to the yes \o/

    hell to the yes \o/
  4. magicdem0n11

    Resolved Green Check Not From MC

  5. magicdem0n11

    Troll books at /warp r

    I feel like the large influx of greens are maybe not taking things as seriously as they should be taken... :( (Im not endorsing this at all - but i actually did leave school to go see jurassic world....) EDIT: i realised this sounds bad - tbh i like loads of the new greens and its not their...
  6. magicdem0n11

    YouTube Video

    SHIFFFFTTT, USE SHIFFFFTTTT (i only watched the bit near the end but XD )
  7. magicdem0n11

    Now Announcing: Ninja Warrior 6!

    i'd like to sign up, but im not 100% sure i can make it, as i have to be out shortly after and idk when i have to leave yet :(
  8. magicdem0n11

    Minecraft story mode: opinions?

    Minecraft story mode: opinions?
  9. magicdem0n11

    Aj if theres anything a non-mod could do... Ill help :D \o/

    Aj if theres anything a non-mod could do... Ill help :D \o/
  10. magicdem0n11

    Now Announcing: Ninja Warrior 6!

    i think i can be there (nothings on my calender) but im not 100% sure as i may have a birthday thing to attend... ill walk in XD
  11. magicdem0n11

    Sky there's one allready tho?

    Sky there's one allready tho?
  12. magicdem0n11

    i missed out on my break coz exams and stuff so i still have like 3-4 weeks til hoilday ;-;

    i missed out on my break coz exams and stuff so i still have like 3-4 weeks til hoilday ;-;
  13. magicdem0n11

    @Jsnick maybe ill do both XD (i had a vague idea on how to LoL - VERY vague ... but ill try HoTS...

    @Jsnick maybe ill do both XD (i had a vague idea on how to LoL - VERY vague ... but ill try HoTS at the end of this week :3)
  14. magicdem0n11

    im giving LoL another try... :3 im magicdem0n11 (EuW) if anyone wants to add me :)

    im giving LoL another try... :3 im magicdem0n11 (EuW) if anyone wants to add me :)
  15. magicdem0n11

    @skyerzz idk plants maybe? (theres loads now :) )

    @skyerzz idk plants maybe? (theres loads now :) )
  16. magicdem0n11

    Question for any of our Canadian members

    *wants an 'aww' button to rate with* :) (good luck, i hope you can get ur moose)
  17. magicdem0n11

    Is minr still alive?

    Eg: I'm halfway (nearly) through my exams... Ugh
  18. magicdem0n11

    im magicdem0n11#2465 (that was meant to be one message whoops). also, is heros of storm the...

    im magicdem0n11#2465 (that was meant to be one message whoops). also, is heros of storm the blizzards LoL (basically??)
  19. magicdem0n11

    added you henni

    added you henni
  20. magicdem0n11

    Guys, ive started playing hearthstone again :P If you want a game... o/ (whats peoples names - i...

    Guys, ive started playing hearthstone again :P If you want a game... o/ (whats peoples names - i cant find the thread)