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  1. HatterTheMad

    Broadcast Regarding Sofaloafer

    I remember Sofa always having a kind word for everyone who logged on and limitless encouragement for anyone frustrated but their build. May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, And the rains fall soft upon your fields. And...
  2. HatterTheMad

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted, but being already corrupted the the thread continues. I wish I hadn't bumped this thread.
  3. HatterTheMad

    I'm Proud.

    Congrats, this tip may be 25 years old but I still think it holds true. Get yourself a sandwich maker, it got me through times whem the cupboards were a little bare. Almost anything heated up between bread can be a meal.
  4. HatterTheMad

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted, but your pants zipper gets caught on the wheel ripping your pants off and gets made into the most viral video of all time. I wish zero went to 1.8 ... and it's been granted, that was fast.
  5. HatterTheMad

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted, Texas is now part of Canada. You can't get any cooler than being Canadian. I wish I knew whether to be or not to be.
  6. HatterTheMad

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted, now it's the horse flies that love you. I wish my vacation was not two months away
  7. HatterTheMad

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted, the unbelievers have transformed into beliebers and now fill all forum games with pearls of wisdom from Justin Bieber. I wish we had another time, I wish we had another place.
  8. HatterTheMad

    Question for any of our Canadian members

    Yes Freak, the great Moose keeps watch over our vast tracts of desolate tundra. Should you try and breach our borders, you'll be besieged by hords of killer beavers. Or Bob if it's his turn to hold the gun. One of these days we'll even get a bullet for it.
  9. HatterTheMad

    Question for any of our Canadian members

    I see them in almost every tourist trap in Niagra Falls. There are a bunch of different ones, give me a good description and I'll see what I can dig up.
  10. HatterTheMad

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted, but i'ts all super HD pictures of you from that camera hidden in your shower. I wish I could type better.
  11. HatterTheMad

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted, you get right to work doing nothing. I wish a random and highly improbable event would happen.
  12. HatterTheMad

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted, but it's only me. I wish I knew how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
  13. HatterTheMad

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted, but it consists consists exclusively of unban requests and whites asking if they have to do HC. I wish I could come up with an uncorruptible wish.
  14. HatterTheMad

    Who Plays What?

    I can't play anything do to a tragic lack of rhythm. White noise has better rhythm than me. Albinos point and laugh at how white I am.
  15. HatterTheMad

    After reading this I lost all hope for humanity...

    My 14yo still with out a cell phone and will not get one untill he can take full responsibility for it. Both be able to sign up for it by himself and pay for it. I'm not going to let him become one of the mindless zombies I see roaming around the mall and bumping into poles then calling the...
  16. HatterTheMad

    Minr is ded

    Pieceofcheese87 has become death, destroyer of worlds.
  17. HatterTheMad

    Friendly Maze Name

    I wonder if thats what happend to Zero, this map went "live" ?
  18. HatterTheMad

    Friendly Maze Name

    This one is the bomb.
  19. HatterTheMad

    Friendly Maze Name

    In the spirit of making our maze system more friendly, I would like to assemble a list of names for us to use to put the wayward netizens who have finally found there way to our little corner of eden at ease. Names such as: -The Cute Fluffy White Bunny Grinder of Death -The Amazingly Happy...
  20. HatterTheMad

    I'm out o/

    I prefer see you later than good bye. I know very well the pressurs of RL and have been known to vanish months at a time. So see you later and don't be a stranger on the forums.