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  1. nahfackler

    Never ending story

    Luke then dies from a T-Rex devouring him
  2. nahfackler

    Ban The User above you

    Ban Creeper2685 because I have REAL life friends TOO
  3. nahfackler

    Geography Time!

    I didn't know that much to begin with, but I scored 49% on the Capitals and 66% on Countries
  4. nahfackler

    Ban The User above you

    Ban Creeoer2685 for banning my Best Friend
  5. nahfackler

    Never ending story

    "ROAR!!!!!!" (Michael tries to scream) (subconscious) Oh shoot, I can't talk........
  6. nahfackler

    Ban The User above you

    Banned Creeper2685 becauz that wasn't my first lie set.
  7. nahfackler

    Lie Detection

    4. I can't see you doing art that young
  8. nahfackler

    Never ending story

    (on planet Earth) "Mom, Dad, Where are YOU GUYS," asks Michael, (in the Marvel Demension) "Michael, Where are YOU," ......
  9. nahfackler

    I wish that Englsih 2 is an easier course with easier course work.

    I wish that Englsih 2 is an easier course with easier course work.
  10. nahfackler

    Ban The User above you

    Banned Creeper2685 for complaining about an admins style of talk and reasons.
  11. nahfackler

    Lie Detection

    @skyerzz Wrong some servers, I didn't exactly specify which servers..... @Creeper2685 Correct, I learned a bit of Spanish but I quit after a couple weeks, So I didn't learn the language. Creeper2685 You are next GOOD LUCK
  12. nahfackler

    Ban The User above you

    Banned because I like Change and this came off of a website........
  13. nahfackler

    Lie Detection

    @ElectroUnderwear .....3 is not the LIe, I do track running as my PE class
  14. nahfackler

    Lie Detection

    ok, here is the next set GOOD LUCK 1. I have seen lots of blues get green 2. I love to help people 3. I do track as my Physical Workout 4. I have learned Spanish as my foreign Language 5. I have been admin before on some servers May the best guess win!
  15. nahfackler

    Ban The User above you

    Ban Creeper because this isn't my quote..
  16. nahfackler

    The biggest change to Zero you've seen

    The number of active players and people who join is an amazement to me, they are white then BAM they are blue, pass me, then become green in the matter of a blink........
  17. nahfackler

    Ban The User above you

    banned for always eating a sandwhich
  18. nahfackler


    You are one of the blues who started and finished HC before I did
  19. nahfackler

    Lie Detection

    @Freakworld Sure I will If no one else minds....
  20. nahfackler


    your that green who became green when I was gone for a period of time.