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  1. B

    Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

    I believe I know enough roles to deduce that halex is a mafia. If you want to question me about it please do so in game. #Vote halex
  2. B

    Malaysian airplane missing, packs!!

    Guys, 239 people were on that plane and could be injured or worse. I don't think this is an appropriate subject to joke about.
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    Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

    Got my role. :)
  4. B

    Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

    Is it too late to sign up?
  5. B

    Resolved I got tped from hc4 ending to hc3

    I'm sorry, but we don't grant TPs for this sort of thing. Hitting the checkpoint was your responsibility, and it would cost a lot of time for someone to look through your logs and confirm that you're telling the truth. Good luck getting back to HC4. :)