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  1. Srentiln

    Debate -The First-

    Until everyone agrees to stop discussing it. I think everyone here has the same general opinion (tech itself is neither good nor bad, it is how it is used), it's the nitty-gritty of it that we will disagree on. Personally, I don't find the nitty-gritty of this topic worth trying to convince...
  2. Srentiln

    Debate -The First-

    Let's hope this debate doesn't break down like the last one did... Before even begining to read the other posts, I'm going to put down my view of this topic, as it is one that I have been contemplating for years: Technology has one very simple purpose - to make life easier. Whether it's the...
  3. Srentiln

    i need your help!

    An interpretor (decoder I guess is the proper name of it) is used in display circuits to differentate which signal sets the display to what. While a single analog decoder has 16 states, it is bulkier than a single binary decoder unit. While I can't think of the number off the top of my head...
  4. Srentiln

    i need your help!

    here's a "simple" redstone one: At what number does an analog interpreter become more compact than a digital one?
  5. Srentiln

    i need your help!

    What about having them write their answer by re-naming a piece of paper?
  6. Srentiln

    i need your help!

    If it's for zero, some server trivia would be a good topic
  7. Srentiln

    Question for any of our Canadian members

    What if I bring a box of Tim Horton's?
  8. Srentiln

    Question for any of our Canadian members

    *tilts head* not sure what you were going for there freak... Decided to show my dad the small canned one and tell him he still owed me, especially since I am moving out of state (got a job offer, think I only told a handful of people here so far)
  9. Srentiln

    Question for any of our Canadian members

    Was really hoping the same one was still sold. It was a full out moose in basically a wider pringles can. Going to have to show him that one and remind him that he promised to replace it, lol
  10. Srentiln

    Question for any of our Canadian members

    When I was a young kid, my dad went on a business trip to Canada and brought me home a plush moose in a can. A few weeks later, he replaced the bulb in my dresser light with the wrong wattage (the box was mis-labled) and almost caused a fire in my room as a result. My dresser still has that...
  11. Srentiln

    Minr mafia 14 sign up

    I'm going to have to sit this round out.
  12. Srentiln

    Is minr still alive?

    It is slow because of real life obligations and the fact that we are unable to update at this time (there are several higher-priority items to be finished first). Once people are on summer break, it should pick up some.
  13. Srentiln

    Just remember blie: if you have any brilliant ideas, present them in front of multiple people so...

    Just remember blie: if you have any brilliant ideas, present them in front of multiple people so that they don't just get stolen. Grats :)
  14. Srentiln

    Tic Tac Toe

    Good work bob, glad to see that you took up the challenge. Mind sharing the world so I can take a peek while you work on it?
  15. Srentiln

    Computer setups

    This is my laptop:
  16. Srentiln

    @henniboy321 HTML is the easy part, it's when you decide to learn javascript and PHP that you...

    @henniboy321 HTML is the easy part, it's when you decide to learn javascript and PHP that you are going to get a headache :p
  17. Srentiln

    lol, I had that same problem when I was 12 on a forum I went to, @jagman77 . It's because they...

    lol, I had that same problem when I was 12 on a forum I went to, @jagman77 . It's because they value your opinion, even if we are ignorant.
  18. Srentiln

    I'd be on zero more, but all my current projects require 1.8 to continue, and I don't want to...

    I'd be on zero more, but all my current projects require 1.8 to continue, and I don't want to start any new ones before I finish them.
  19. Srentiln

    Resolved hc 3

    Never been in viemort myself, so I can't speak towards if it is a bug or not. I would suggest, however, that map makers who use mechanics that rely on entity physics re-test the course every update. Sometimes a change is made without note.
  20. Srentiln

    MINR Community

    In case anyone on runescape is interested in knowing: Broke down and bought a bond so I could do new quests, lol