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  1. DistinctMadness

    Score Attack

    is it okay to use an account you have already on btd5? all that it does is give me the towers and stuff If it is allowed here is what i got ah crap so did i. FORGOT SPECIFY WHICH ICE LEVEL THERE ARE 2!!!
  2. DistinctMadness

    Score Attack

    EDIT: OH btw i'm dis
  3. DistinctMadness

    Super Hexagon

    i'm not going to waste more money buying the game again sorry
  4. DistinctMadness

    Super Hexagon

    There's the proof EDIT: not even 5 minutes after this i got this one on the next one
  5. DistinctMadness

    Super Hexagon

    not bad spon not bad but get 90 seconds on the first hyper level :D
  6. DistinctMadness

    Super Hexagon

    i also just beat the first hyper level
  7. DistinctMadness

    Never ending story

    i was confused because i thought i had begun to figure how piggly had come to be but apparently not
  8. DistinctMadness

    Score Attack

  9. DistinctMadness

    Clock that ends when the universe does

    this is like a perfect showing of when one door closes another opens: universe ends: closes door Redstone works: Opens iron door
  10. DistinctMadness

    Minr Mafia 5: Bounties

    cory if you go into the attack menu instead of attacking a random p[person it will let you attack someone in your area and you can chose who you attack therefore telling you who is in your area
  11. DistinctMadness

    Never ending story

    first the green goop now the trophy... i really needed to see a doctor about that when i got back to my own world
  12. DistinctMadness

    Never ending story

    it was then that i realized it was upside down!
  13. DistinctMadness

    Sren's just trying to build the hype up for MM5 even more, don't listen to his well constructed lies

    Sren's just trying to build the hype up for MM5 even more, don't listen to his well constructed lies
  14. DistinctMadness

    Never ending story

    After i ran through it i turned around, confused, and saw my bedroom wall but its was... different
  15. DistinctMadness

    Pit stop

    they were all ready and did it once then they were like i've done my days work i'm outie
  16. DistinctMadness

    Minr Mafia 5: Bounties

    Mine worked fine so...