Search results

  1. Jkjkelly1

    5 letters

    Moo's Always Gets Internets Crazy
  2. Jkjkelly1

    Merry Christmas MINR!

    Well now I feel bad... Sorry about that :(
  3. Jkjkelly1

    Merry Christmas MINR!

    False. You meant Christian* not catholic. I'm not catholic and I celebrate Christmas... But anyways, Merry Christmas.
  4. Jkjkelly1

    5 letters

    Sorry, didn't see that. I Calculate Barnacle Bomb Trajectories. KDIEN
  5. Jkjkelly1

    5 letters

    Freedom Fighters Yearly Lick Rhinos zzzzz
  6. Jkjkelly1

    5 letters

    Holy Underclassmen Running Always Heave... Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.... Yeh, i'm that guy.
  7. Jkjkelly1

    5 letters

    Cats Rarely Ingest Sour Pringles POOPS
  8. Jkjkelly1

    RUST - Dayz, minecraft and stalker inspired

    I'm incredibly interested in it. Seen quite a few videos, and it looks awesome.
  9. Jkjkelly1

    MINR Mafia Round 4

    *vote HC
  10. Jkjkelly1

    Want to be the star of Breaking Bad? This is a bit more complicated than Cookie Clicker.
  11. Jkjkelly1

    MINR Mafia Round 4

    *nominate jag
  12. Jkjkelly1

    Ban The User above you

    /ban for being Male.
  13. Jkjkelly1

    Mithrintia - Creative Building Redifined

    I'll check it out.
  14. Jkjkelly1

    Ban The User above you

    /ban creeper for not understanding a simple sentence.
  15. Jkjkelly1

    MINR Mafia Round 4

    *vote pieceofchese87
  16. Jkjkelly1

    Ban The User above you

    Reban srentiln for being a hacker and unbanning himself. Jerk.
  17. Jkjkelly1

    MINR Mafia Round 4

    *nominate pieceofcheese87
  18. Jkjkelly1

    MINR Mafia Round 4

    *vote nobody
  19. Jkjkelly1

    MINR Mafia Round 4

    Once again, *nominate jkjkelly1. Why not?
  20. Jkjkelly1

    MINR Mafia Round 4

    I don't feel bad at all.