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  1. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

    makes it easier for the wolves to hide amongst the sheep with such a ratio
  2. Srentiln

    Score Attack

    I gave up on even trying when I realized that the games that used a mouse were not touch pad friendly
  3. Srentiln

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted, but it's counterfeit and you get arrested I wish for some chicken strips
  4. Srentiln

    Minr with Shaders

    STS is rather disappointing :/ I'd request Sra, but that would risk violating the rules about HC courses and greens...unless an op were to keep an eye on you while you got a good shot :p
  5. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

    I am ready to battle for the glory of my faction comrad
  6. Srentiln

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted, but the Mounties chase you away for using all the steriotypes and to answer your question, fishbot was an IRC bot on one of the main servers (I think quakenet?) that would respond to different things that people typed. I had a lot of fun with it. I wish for some Havarti
  7. Srentiln

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted, you proclaim it an abandoned project I wish for fishbot in the IRC
  8. Srentiln

    Minr with Shaders

    I'm curious if STS looks any different.... Shaders are allowed. It is very difficult to word the rules pertaining to mods in a way that fits on a sign and is clear.
  9. Srentiln

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted, but your luck is good for everyone other than you I wish for all you can eat tacos
  10. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

    I only poke fun at the names of people I like, o I don't have anything to say on that regard. How about we pick up the train that is the this thread and put it back on its tracks, eh?
  11. Srentiln

    Corrupt a wish

    Well, the game is still going I wish I knew what to wish for
  12. Srentiln

    Corrupt a wish

    You always had the ability, but you don't have permission or the money to :p Ich wünschte, ich könnte fließend Deutsch sprechen.
  13. Srentiln

    nerve-wracking is when you cut a huge chunk of time from your work day to go to an interview and...

    nerve-wracking is when you cut a huge chunk of time from your work day to go to an interview and the interviewer has a killer poker face.
  14. Srentiln

    Corrupt a wish

    Granted, but you don't care for the Jelly Belly assortment box I wish to live forever (and I have fallen asleep while driving once during my is one of the scariest things you will ever do. Luckily, there were new reflectors on that section of the freeway and the "thadum thadum...
  15. Srentiln

    Corrupt a wish

    granted, but they are made with the result of the last wish i wish i didn't need sleep ever
  16. Srentiln

    Resolved Spoiler Tags

    Well, that's the danger of starting something that requires your users to post images :p I'm not saying I'm against the spoiler tag (I have had a few occasions where I would have liked to use it), I'm just saying that there are existing tools that do the same thing that you are looking to have...
  17. Srentiln

    Resolved Spoiler Tags

    Personally, I think spoiler tags really only should be used for spoilers. They are by far a lot worse looking than a quote or code box. Have a lot to say? Then say it all and just spend some time with the formatting to make it easier for people to read. Images taking up a lot of post space...
  18. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia 6: Gaiden

    I enjoyed Meta Jungle in the Sonic games quite a bit XD
  19. Srentiln

    Resolved Spoiler Tags

    I can quote the original post: There might be a way to use the BB editor version of posting to do it, but I haven't had to memorize common BB codes in a LONG time.
  20. Srentiln

    Resolved Spoiler Tags

    If you want spoiler tags just for the condensing of large blocks of post content, use the quote tags. If you want the spoiler tag for what they were actually intended, hiding spoilers, that I can get behind. A long while back, a forum I visited allowed CSS scripts in posts. With that, people...