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  1. Srentiln


    *thinks about when hatterthemad added cake to his lava maze* only death can come from a cake in a course...
  2. Srentiln

    Resolved Private Messaging

    on the topic: I can't find that selection...maybe it's a bug with the browser here at work
  3. Srentiln

    Optical illusion

    Yes, but keep in mind that the further away from it you get the more difficult it becomes to hold the correct angle to create the illusion
  4. Srentiln

    Optical illusion

    I'd say the most difficult part of it in relation to minecraft is that you really need to make it as round as possible for the effect to be true.
  5. Srentiln

    Optical illusion

    henni's is a more convincing illusion, mainly because it's all above ground and doesn't suffer from the shading on the walls, heh Okay, here's a tough one for you: the Devil's Tuning Fork
  6. Srentiln

    Optical illusion

    Now make Escher's waterfall-waterwheel one!
  7. Srentiln


    If I am not mistaken, we have asked the creator about it before...maybe that was the scriptblock guy though
  8. Srentiln

    Testing to see what this thing does...

    Testing to see what this thing does...
  9. Srentiln

    Resolved [minor] login request error

    If it's not broken, then it only exists in theory
  10. Srentiln


    Hmmm...the major issue with it is that forgot is a blue and therefore shouldn't be getting the messages in the first place...maybe somehow the data from the other minr servers is having a slight bleed-over effect?
  11. Srentiln

    Resolved [minor] login request error

    Aye, a single change could open a can of worms in the way of connected bugs popping up
  12. Srentiln


    Most of the time (not always) those messages are a result of a player breaking a block in a protected region and trying to break a block behind it. Since the region protection tells the server that the block could not be broken, NCP reads it as if the block was never broken and the action...
  13. Srentiln

    Resolved [minor] login request error

    Hey chill, this is very minor as it will correct itself, but I don't know if it will impact the software later on down the line. I had a small typo with logging in in the top corner box a couple days ago, so it brought me into the incorrect credentials screen. Rather than using the...
  14. Srentiln

    The text in ban appeals...

    *checks piece's grammar she's doing fine, but yer gramper is mad at me now :p If you don't mind me making a few adjustments, this is how I would word it myself: The community takes bans very seriously. A lot of time and effort has been put into creating our niche community that has...
  15. Srentiln

    Awesome Server

    Okay, let's just get the "new emoticon" spam over with: :);):(:mad::confused::cool::p:D:eek::oops::rolleyes:o_O
  16. Srentiln


    Hopefully finally starting my redstone-coding dual tutorial series...
  17. Srentiln

    Old pictures

    Wow, it's hard to imagine zero that empty.
  18. Srentiln

    Gods Will Be Watching [html5]

    lawl, I killed everyone via hypothermia the first night
  19. Srentiln

    Resolved A suggestion to prevent those pesky advert-bots

    Hey guys, I mentioned this in the spam forum, but I thought I should formally suggest it. Stop Forum Spam is an online community that has created and maintains a list of the account details of forum spam bots and other abusers. I personally have used this to...
  20. Srentiln

    New Forum

    No offense to c_dric, but the system he chose was rather lacking. This one seems to have more of the features that tend to help a community as it grows larger.