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    Event Pink Coin In Orbit!

    e? signup yes
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    About Speedrunning (Multiplayering, Setups, and Skips)

    Recently, the rules have been enforced in regards to speedrunning. Times have been removed from maps that use setups or major shortcuts, including Birds of Paradise, Coke Can, and Brothers' Therapy. I'd like to discuss the rules in regards to these things, as I believe in their current...
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    Game Survivor (In Progress)

    gib free op I'm in
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    Minr Mafia XXII - Spirits (Game Over)

    That was fun, sadly I died (which, by the way, was not necessary according to Creepa) but I guess we won as a team. Parasitising Coulter was purely damage control, because someone saw Fire visit her. We believed that if the password change occurred, while Coulter was aware of an account...
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    Minr Mafia XXII - Spirits (Game Over)

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    Resolved The Pumpkin Lord

    This map is broken and this is a list of the things I have found. All the skips listed (unless otherwise specified) have been successfully done. In the section with the skeleton horse, there are barriers all around the inner edge to stop you from using it earlier. However, the vines on the...
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    happy birthday :3

    happy birthday :3
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    Resolved Collaberative Map Escape

    This cobble wall can be climbed for strange reasons. This is right after the redstone maze, outside of the fence/pressure plate parkour. There are other similar places around this perimeter as well.
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    Resolved Bug to Survive Any Fall

    List of maps affected by this (Not including just possible deaths by fall): Sky Parkour (Get onto ground) Apoco (Dropper skip + wall latch) Demon (Dropper) 'Napped (Dropper) Rock Sport (if you don't use the sign, dropper) The Wheel (Dropper) Redstone Ready (Skip trapdoor) Monster Mash (Dropper)...
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    Event Purple Comet in Orbit!

    September 8th sounds fun, sign me up.
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    Interesting Zero Locations

    Location Name - Big Obsidian Arena Who built the location? - Unknown (Soarer?) Information about this location? - Large obsidian and glowstone structure with water flowing around it. Nothing in it, it just looks pretty. /tp 1425 32 -2148 1425/32/-2148/-3/0/0
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    Minr Mafia 21: Welcome Aboard!

    Oh... k Gg (?)
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    Suggestion Suggestion Collection - Commands and Navigation

    For the last one, instead of just overriding /spawn, I think it would be better to implement an "exit" script. This would include all methods that allow you to leave, including /spawn, /call, /join, /warp, or /home.
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    Resolved Armourstand Titles Left Behind

    When in a boat or a minecart, leaving the game will leave behind your title. It just floats there. (Also we might need some cleanup on Theta's Northern warp, around the floating boats.)
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    Suggestion Map Join Scripts

    I think in the next major change to the scripts, we should implement a "join script" that activates when players join the map. This could fix some map bugs, such as Tulip Among Tulip's door problem or script storage issues. Instead of running a script when the checkpoint sign is hit, you could...
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    Resolved Viae Exploit

    I forgot what the nickname was... but you can skip basically the whole map in a run by clicking the last puzzle's lamp and entering the answer after resetting. Note: My time is invalid, if you could remove it I'd appreciate it.
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    Minr Mafia 21: Welcome Aboard!

    I mean, compare Floor 5 to Floor 1, come on. The choice is obvious. However, I do agree that now may not be the time, it might be a little early for that; I'll leave the message there, but we won't do it today if we do it at all.
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    Minr Mafia 21: Welcome Aboard!

    Hey, we decided that it'd be really funny and potentially helpful if we were to all gather on Floor 5. (Floor 5 because most people are there. Technically, the same amount are on Floor 1 but Floor 5 is better.) Is everybody down for that? We have 24 people, if you could ✔ agree or X disagree on...
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    Minr Mafia 21 Rules and Roles. (Question the Host Thread)

    When you say "cure," it's kind of confusing. "Cure" means you're no longer poisoned and you're fine. You've made it sound like getting lynched saves you. Can you clarify? You still die when you're lynched and poisoned, right? What are "neutrals?" Usually in Mafia, neutral roles are NOT innocent...
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    Minr Mafia 21 Rules and Roles. (Question the Host Thread)

    You say the Mafia also has the same roles. Can we have a number or range of Mafia so we know what we're up against? Do we have wills? If yes, what are the rules for them? (When we can edit, when they are read, etc.) (Night Actions-- You said you'd clarify, so here are some specific roles I'm...