Pending - Co-op Skips List (Part 2)


Minr Wiki Writer
May 13, 2015
Click Here For Part 1

Teddy's X-mas

Skips: There's button in this map at 1732 78 1905 that P2 can be stationed at to save time. There's also a button you need to shoot with a bow from 1754 78 1853 that you need to parkour up to to be able to do so. P2 stationed at that spot can save quite a bit of time.
Times: None
Patch: The first button can simple be made required, as for the bow button I'm not sure.

The Prestige
Skip: It takes roughly 10 seconds to do the water puzzle, so if P2 begins it 10 seconds before P1 arrives, P1 can simply head straight through the opened doors without needing to solve the water puzzle.
Times: None
Patch: Make the 5 buttons in the puzzle required for a valid time, as all 5 need to be pressed at least once to solve it. The buttons are at -5846 70 3794, -5844 70 3794, -5842 70 3794, -5840 70 3794, and -5838 70 3794.

The Recruit
Skip: P2 stationed near the plate at 9860 73 5018 can open the door on the floor for P1 entering in, bypassing the need for P1 to parkour up to the plate, saving a lot of time.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above plate required for a valid time. This will effect a number honest pairs of players playing the map together given that one player gets to the plate before the other, but both will still get the points and completion, one simply won't get a time.

Skip: If 2 extra players hold down the buttons at 1207 98 -2532 and 1233 98 -2552, P1 can run straight for the opened door without needing to press the buttons.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above buttons required for a valid time.

Mean Greenie
Skips: P2 standing on the plate 1438 60 2000 allows P1 to charge straight through the plate room and not have to avoid the plates. P2 can also begin the button button at the end at roughly the time at which P1 reaches the outside parkour so that by the time he/she finishes, P1 will be arriving in the room and can skip the button button.
Times: Top 4
Patch: Make all the buttons in the final button button required for a valid time (those being 1480 53 2010, 1480 53 2026, 1474 53 2010, 1468 53 2010, 1468 53 2026, 1462 53 2026, and 1462 53 2010). As for the plate mentioned above, I'm not sure.

Skip: P2 stationed near the button at 337 66 -2772 can simply let P1 through the door in the library without having to go through the maze to press the button.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above button required for a valid time.

Night Light
Skips: P2 stationed in the last section near plates -6280 14 8941, -6274 14 8902, or -6256 14 8923 can simply step on said plate when P1 arrives, bypassing the need for P1 to parkour to and press the plates.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above plates required for a valid time.

Project Sierra
Skips: P2 stationed at buttons 905 92 -3517 or 899 86 -3506 can hold open the doors they activate, saving time for P1.
Times: #1, #2, #4 (I don't know about #3, ask NoSi about that one)
Patch: Make the above buttons required for a valid time.

Skips: P2 stationed at buttons 1667 27 2001, 1654 34 1990, 1682 45 1996, or 1657 52 2004 can hold open the doors they activate, saving time for P1.
Times: Unsure
Patch: Make the above buttons required for a valid time.

Trial of the Beast
Skip: A player stationed near the plate at -10613 32 3605 can press the button at -10623 40 3609 at about the time P1 will arrive at the room, bypassing the need for P1 to parkour up to the button.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above plate and button required for a valid time.

Skips: P2 can be stationed near the chat-prompt blocks at -6265 68 3910 or -6197 74 3894, and can answer them at the time at which P1 is past the reset and can run through the opened door without having to run over to and answer the puzzle.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above chat-prompt answers required for a valid time.

Zarklin Ruins
Skips: There's 2 buttons at -3532 33 -87 and -3545 55 -35 can be held down by P2, the latter of which saves lots of time for P1.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above buttons required for a valid time.

Skip: P2 stationed near the button at 4686 70 10719 allows P1 to head straight for the exit without needing to go to and press the button.
Times: None
Patch: Make the above button required for a valid time.

Old HC
Skip: P2 can stand on the plate 1893 78 2974, allowing P1 to bypass taking the time to go down to plate 1893 75 2971.
Times: None
Patch: Make the plate at 1893 75 2971 required for a valid time.

If I missed any, past them down below.
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Actually not that lucky
Sep 28, 2014
You forgot to include Heist, I think that map has some co-op skips.
(Nice job by the way, must've taken you a lot of time.)


Minr Wiki Writer
May 13, 2015
I thought Creep patched those? He says he did in his 1.13 update to it

There's also massive complication behind patching co-op maps because they're already 2 players. The reason I included Brothers' and Jko-op was because there are very specific points at which additional players can bypass certain parts.


Aug 15, 2018
Oh just because it is mentioned in the thread, my time on Project Sierra was not co-oped. Besides for that, everything looks pretty accurate. You can also include The Return in the list, you're able to skip a massive portion of the 2nd room if co-oped. (My #1 time on that map was co-oped so I should know :c )


The Helper and Brainstormer
Jan 5, 2018
I would like to mention to NoSi's post about The Return that the room with the chat box answer could be co-oped by having someone ready with the answer.

Kakashi: The ending is a spot that can be Co-oped with three people and save time with a third person. The reason I know about this is because I finished Kakashi with 2 other people.

The End - Mob Arena - CP 5
Here, if you have three people, one person can get the key and wait for the other two players to finish the map. All they would need to do is drop the key in and walk to the exit.

Solution: There probably isn't any solution to this, but I know this is just something a person might try at a later date if they figured this problem out.

(No times need to be cleared)


Minr Wiki Writer
May 13, 2015
There's lots and lots of places in kakashi in which a third person can make the map go lightning fast, here's just a few off the top of my head:

- P3 stationed at the button under the river
- P3 stationed past the blindness pk to P1 can run straight through
- P3 stationed just past the lava code door
- P3 stationed at the button that opens the door to the ice/frost-walker parkour, saving tons of time
- P3 stationed just past the mannequin pull game, holding the door open so P1 doesn't even have to do the puzzle
- P3 stationed inside the fountain so P1 can run straight into the king's bedroom, skipping the music puzzle

How to patch any of these (except maybe the 4th), I have no idea.


Active Player
Aug 20, 2017
just a thought but im pretty sure theres gonna be people running these maps with other people not trying to get top time, but still using co op strats. If a map requires a player to do 100% of the map and they don't, they just don't get a completion for the map when they were teaming with someone else? seems a little unfair towards working with people on maps.


Minr Wiki Writer
May 13, 2015
just a thought but im pretty sure theres gonna be people running these maps with other people not trying to get top time, but still using co op strats. If a map requires a player to do 100% of the map and they don't, they just don't get a completion for the map when they were teaming with someone else? seems a little unfair towards working with people on maps.
Invalidating times means the player simply has a blank time (the "---:--.---" thing). They still get the completion and the points if they skip past a section with co-op.


Aug 15, 2018
The Gallery has 2 pressure plates that other players can stand on for player 1 to get a faster route through the map. The pressure plates coordinates are: (-1452, 68, 3515) & (-1448, 65, 3508) Not sure what the solution can be for this issue, or if any of the top times on the map use this.


Minr Wiki Writer
May 13, 2015
The Gallery has 2 pressure plates that other players can stand on for player 1 to get a faster route through the map. The pressure plates coordinates are: (-1452, 68, 3515) & (-1448, 65, 3508) Not sure what the solution can be for this issue, or if any of the top times on the map use this.
Ah didn't know about those. My and Ander's times are both legit. Added that to the list. Thanks!