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Coming with this change is the ability to swap between a checkpoint in HC and in FFA.
using /checkpoint HC will allow you to switch to between FFA mode and HC mode, with each mode holding a checkpoint.
1-2: 4 corners dojo-> Paradox
3-4: Multiple paths, No loopback
Path of the Wander (Mazes): Aquarium + Cubert
Path of the Runner (Parkours): Breaking Free + The Wheel
Path of the Thinker(Puzzle-esque): Viemort + 154
HC5: Big Egyptian (Mid-CP at the pillars, with heal at start)
Final: Sssnake -> (Healing pad) -> Elusion -> Jiga’s Claymaze
Levels 1-2 allow for an easing into HC with a mix of challenges and an easier-opening relative to the current design. Because of this, there is no need for loop-back to exist anymore.
After that are three new paths (CP's in between), that will allow a player to choose their strong point. These maps are more difficult, with the tradeoff that the player gets their pick. If they don't like it, they can redo HC1-2.
Finally, there is Egyptian. I firmly believe there has to be 1 very difficult course to keep HC as it is, and I think Egyptian does the job well. Pillars will have a checkpoint. I will be watching this to see if it is too difficult.
After that, the checkpoints stop and the last 3 levels focus on an endurance challenge, with a significantly lowered difficulty compared to the current version.
Transfers will be as follows:
Old --> New
2--> 2
3 or 4 --> 3
5 --> 5
6-->6 5
7 or more --> 6
After the change is complete, message Ajdj123321 with your name and current HC, and it will be verified with server logs.
You will have 3 weeks after the change is made to reclaim your old checkpoint. Otherwise, you will have to start over.
Verified VIA logs.
Chubbi to HC5 (Done)
frogbreath1 to HC6 (Done)
nahfackler to ? (Checked again, hasn't played HC since server transfer)
rockinravens to HC6
zombiekiller1001 to HC6(Done)
gold4657 was in HC1, no transfer needed (Checked again, no proof exists of him in HC6)
theworst135 to HC6 (Done)
Jayrad22 to HC3
SuperfluidHelium= HC3 -> HC3 (Done)
_Dgieedelman_ = HC2 -> HC2 (Done)
picklesthecheeta = HC2 -> HC2 (Done)
coolgolfer to HC6 (Verified by initial login co-ords)
Popcane to HC2
Baron_Dust to HC6
WaveConquerer to HC6
Kiwi37, no progress found.
Mitran12 to HC5
WarioWarren to HC3
Coming with this change is the ability to swap between a checkpoint in HC and in FFA.
using /checkpoint HC will allow you to switch to between FFA mode and HC mode, with each mode holding a checkpoint.
1-2: 4 corners dojo-> Paradox
3-4: Multiple paths, No loopback
Path of the Wander (Mazes): Aquarium + Cubert
Path of the Runner (Parkours): Breaking Free + The Wheel
Path of the Thinker(Puzzle-esque): Viemort + 154
HC5: Big Egyptian (Mid-CP at the pillars, with heal at start)
Final: Sssnake -> (Healing pad) -> Elusion -> Jiga’s Claymaze
Levels 1-2 allow for an easing into HC with a mix of challenges and an easier-opening relative to the current design. Because of this, there is no need for loop-back to exist anymore.
After that are three new paths (CP's in between), that will allow a player to choose their strong point. These maps are more difficult, with the tradeoff that the player gets their pick. If they don't like it, they can redo HC1-2.
Finally, there is Egyptian. I firmly believe there has to be 1 very difficult course to keep HC as it is, and I think Egyptian does the job well. Pillars will have a checkpoint. I will be watching this to see if it is too difficult.
After that, the checkpoints stop and the last 3 levels focus on an endurance challenge, with a significantly lowered difficulty compared to the current version.
Transfers will be as follows:
Old --> New
2--> 2
3 or 4 --> 3
5 --> 5
7 or more --> 6
After the change is complete, message Ajdj123321 with your name and current HC, and it will be verified with server logs.
You will have 3 weeks after the change is made to reclaim your old checkpoint. Otherwise, you will have to start over.
Verified VIA logs.
nahfackler to ? (Checked again, hasn't played HC since server transfer)
zombiekiller1001 to HC6
Popcane to HC2
WaveConquerer to HC6
Mitran12 to HC5
WarioWarren to HC3
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