Maintenance - HC Maintenance on August the 13th


TF2 Engineer
Oct 28, 2013
At approximately 1 PM US Eastern Time on Saturday, August 13th, Hardcore will be closing for maintenance. The closure is expected to last for up to two hours, and will require server restarts at least once.

During this time HardCore will switch to a nine level design that promotes more diversity in the branched segments allowing players to lean on their strengths, as well as shift the overall feel of hardcore to reward persistence more than individual skill. Nevertheless, HardCore will remain a challenging gauntlet.

Due to plugin changes from last year your position should still be saved after the change has been made. If you lose your checkpoint after this update happens, please post your username and which HC you were on and staff will review your records appropriately. If we determine your spot has been lost we will place you in the equivalent spot in the new system (1 to 1, 2 to 2, etc).

All updates/changes will be posted in response to this announcement.

After the swap please report any bugs found in response to this thread.

AJ / Minr Staff

EDIT: Maintenance is complete!

Players who somehow lost their checkpoint (likely in HC 3-4 only) need to post their username and what HC they believed they were on and ops will review records. Transfers will only be offered until Thursday, September 2016 at Midnight US Eastern Time.

Please post any bugs that have been found in response to this thread.

Approved Transfers

DhrDevin --> HC4
LeaJana --> HC3
Overtakes --> HC3
trace33 --> HC3 (Cannot find any evidence of the claimed HC4, Checkpoint pre-trasnfer was HC-3-PK)
Gamerpatriot --> HC3
allen120 --> HC4 (Transfer from the brightness bath, oldest transfer so far).
Azurecobra87 --> HC3
Exuvium --> HC2 (Formerly on CP Hc2-Statues)
See further down for additional transfers carried out by other staff.

Grace period has ended. We will no longer transfer cps, players will need to restart HC.
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TF2 Engineer
Oct 28, 2013
HC Maintence is complete, the new 9 level system is active.

Players who somehow lost their checkpoint (likely in HC 3-4 only) need to post their username and what HC they believed they were on and ops will review records. Transfers will only be offered until Thursday, September 2016 at Midnight US Eastern Time.


TF2 Engineer
Oct 28, 2013
The New Hc structure is as follows:

--Leg 1: A warmup consisting of almost all challenge types.
1. 4 Corners Dojo (Unchanged)
2. Viemort (Unchanged)
3. Sssnake (Moved from HC6)

--Leg 2: Branching paths which allow players to lean on their strengths
4. Bugs or Spider's Lab (New)
5. Cube-ert or The Return (Half-new)
6. Invictus or Zarkiln Ruins (New)

--Leg 3: Endurance run which must be complete in one life
7. Evulsion (New)
8. Lava Maze (Half new; returning veteran of HC).
9. Finally, as always, is the claymaze.

In the next few days the following maps will be re-entering the FFA system:

Aquarium (4)
Breaking Free (3)
The Big Egyptian (5)
Elusion (3)
The Wheel (4)

Aquarium, Breaking Free, and Big Egyptian will re-enter as FFA+ maps.


New Fish
Aug 16, 2016
I've lost my checkpoint, my in-game name is Azurecobra87, and I was on HC 3. Thanks! :) So excited for the new maps.


TF2 Engineer
Oct 28, 2013
Quick update on HC: Hit all food values with a nerf, initial values were created in a hasty rush to meet a self-set deadline, and that is mostly my fault.

Bugs --> awards 5 food
Zarkiln --> each segment now awards 16 food.
Evulsion --> awards 16 food.