Maintenance - HC Maintenance on March 29th

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Penguin Master
Nov 18, 2013
At approximately 13:00 22:00 CEST, March 29th, Hardcore will be 'closing' for maintenance. The amount of time Hardcore will take to update is not determined.

During this time Hardcore will switch to a 12-level design that retains the shift to persistence, but allows for the players with the right set of brains to take a 'shortcut'.
Overall it is expected that Hardcore will on average take a longer amount of time, but should be more manageable for those that are not good at parkour.

The primary focus has been on removing long stretches of continuous parkour, and replacing these with well segmented areas, that once you beat one area, you don't have to redo that area.

Do note that the 'puzzle shortcut' that is available at HC-3 (and on through loopback) is hard. Only those with the right amount of determination and puzzle capability will be able to pass through here. If you think you're not very good at puzzles, it may be better to keep on to the main path.

This iteration will contain loopback maps, for those who decide that the puzzle path was too hard for them, or those who feel the parkour in the main path is too hard, and want to attempt the puzzle path after all. Loopback will reset you to the start of the other path. So think twice if you want to do that.

Your HC position should automatically be updated. If this does not happen, and you lose your checkpoint after this update happens, please post your username and which HC you were on and staff will review your records appropriately. If we determine your spot has been lost we will place you in the equivalent spot in the new system.

All updates/changes will be posted in response to this announcement.

After the swap please report any bugs found in response to this thread.
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Penguin Master
Nov 18, 2013
Hardcore 8.0 is now officially released:

(thanks CreepaShadowz for this nice image)

HC 8.0 reintroduces Loopback, which allows a player to choose the other path by overcoming a small trial. Do note that you will continue at the start of the new path when completing the loopback map. Loopbacking from Vil Bo, will place you back into The Varied 11. If you decide to loopback again, you'll be placed in Funkytown again. For those redoing the puzzle path: if you have completed a puzzle, you are not allowed to share answers to this puzzle with anyone. Any violation of this rule can result in a ban.

Old HC positions should automatically be swapped to the correct positions:
HC1 (4 Corners Dojo) -> HC1 (Construction)
HC2 (Viemort) -> HC2 (Snowstorm)
HC3 (Sssnake) -> HC3 (Chillers' Door Maze)
HC4 (Bugs / Spiderlab) -> HC5 (Corrupt)
HC5 (Return / Cube-ert) -> HC6 (Lava Maze)
HC6 (Invictus / Zarklin Ruins) -> HC7 (Metal Harbor)
HC7-9 (Lava Maze, Evulsion, Jiga's Claymaze) -> HC10 (Wolly Mammoth)

If you seem to have lost your position, please post here, or contact an op in a reasonable time frame. Any lost positions will expire May 31st.

(Upcoming 24-48 hours may be a little bit wonky, we're working on fixing all problems, so post away if you encounter some!)
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