Resolved - I Think I Messed Up...

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New Fish
Jun 16, 2014
Hey, this is lilritchie. I completed hc about two weeks ago and am waiting for my green rank. I have been playing a lot of maps to pass the time, and decided to check out the new hc 1 with my friend who hasn't beaten it yet. I checked the FAQ today after a trip and it said that greens should not enter hc again. I do not remember seeing that before. I did not set my checkpoint. I just walked into the map. Did I mess up?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


TF2 Engineer
Oct 28, 2013
You did mess up, but you should be fine.

The reason the rule is there is for your protection. Greens (And pending greens in your case) are not allowed to help people in HC in any way, shape, or form. Luckily since Hc1 is a linear parkour, your presence does not help, as they player must use their own skill to complete it. Thank you for informing us (this could have turned out bad if we had seen that in records). Please do not return to HC now that you have completed it.



Scrum Master
Oct 26, 2013
The rule was always there, but we just recently put in very clear writing in an obvious spot on the FAQ board.

The reason we block out greens is that they have beaten HC. As you have beaten HC, you are to be treated as a green in this situation.

Did you mess up? Technically, yes. Will you receive punishment? Nope. All we ask is that you stay out of HC. Greens have access to HC map copies, so we suggest you wait until then to try out the maps. If you have blue friends that don't understand this either, feel free to clarify the rules to them.

Thanks for your honesty, though. I'm glad you brought this up instead of fulfilling your desire right away. Good on you :)

EDIT: ninja'd by Aj :/
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