Lie Detection

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nov 6, 2013
1. Statement number 3 is a lie.
2.statement number 4 is false.
3. The statement above this one is a lie.
4. The statement below is true.
5. Statement number 2 is false.


Penguin Master
Nov 18, 2013
if 1 is a lie, 3 isn't a lie, which makes 2 a lie.
if 2 is a lie, it makes 4 false, which makes it a lie.
if 3 is a lie, makes 2 true, which makes 4 false which makes 5 a lie.
if 4 is a lie, 5 is false, which means 4 can't be true -> because it's a lie, it makes it 4.
if 5 is a lie, 4 has to be a lie too.

It is 4.


Scrum Master
Oct 26, 2013
"1. Statement number 3 is a lie.
2.statement number 4 is false.
3. The statement above this one is a lie.
4. The statement below is true.
5. Statement number 2 is false."

There is not just one lie present.

There is no distinction between a lie and a false statement. Halex is posing each statement, knowing the supposed answer. If he puts a statement that is knowably false, he is by definition lying. Thus lies and false statement are treated the same.

Suppose four statements are true. Of the five presented, four claim that others are a lie. Of those four, the ones claimed to be lies are statements 3, 4, 2, and 2. This means that if exactly one of those statements was a lie, there are two others still claimed to be lies, unless the only opposing claim is made by the lie itself. Since statements 3 and 5 say the exact same thing, they must both be true (as they cannot both be lies). They say that statement 2 is a lie. Statement 2 claims that statement 4 is false, but since this is a lie, then statement 4 must be true. Statement 4 claims that statement 5 is true, which we already know since it matches statement 3. However, statement 1 must be true (since statement 2 is the lie) and thus it states that statement 3 is actually a lie, which cannot be the case. This means that there are no solutions with exactly one lie, which breaks the rules of this game.

With that being said, the following truth-lie correlation would work with the least number of lies:
1 is a lie
2 is a lie
3 is true
4 is true
5 is true

The other solution is this:
1 is true
2 is true
3 is a lie
4 is a lie
5 is a lie


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I concur with yeroc's logic. Therefore, as the thread originator, I am going to say that halex has forfeited his turn and yeroc is up . :p


Scrum Master
Oct 26, 2013
Cory, don't answer this one.

6. I have come first place in a math competition with over 200 competitors
7. I got the highest grade in my class for my Psychology final so I could pass with a D (~70% for non-Americans)
8. My first name, as stated on my birth certificate and driver's license, is Cornelius
9. I was the All-Events Junior Bowling Champion one year in the Greater Harrisburg region
10. My mommy came up with the username "yeroc424" that I use for mc, etc.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
I'm fairly certain I know which is the lie, but by my own rules I can't guess yet :p


Scrum Master
Oct 26, 2013
My name is not Cornelius, unfortunately. I wish it was. Sren, what was your guess?

Piece is up.


always in a guda mood
Oct 28, 2013
6: I have gotten straight As since Grade 2
7: I've never watched adventure time
8: The first game console I played was the SNES
9: My earliest memory is me at a theme park when I was 3
10: It took me a really long time to come up with these because my life is so boring


Panther Guitar Player
Oct 26, 2013
Woot! Finally I get a go at this. Yeroc, you're also not allowed to do this one. ;)

1. I ate a crusty velveeta cheese block and soggy bread for $20.
2. I am currently in a school-wide nerf war.
3. I am going to Belize to visit the Mayan temples.
4. I have never been out of the country.
5. I believe in conspiracies, especially paranormal entities.
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