Minr Secret Santa - Year 4


Mafia Overseer 2.0
Nov 2, 2013
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, People of all ages, today I would like to present to you for the fourth year in a row:

And this time we're starting early!

Just like last year I will not be participating this year, HOWEVER, everyone and anyone else is free to participate.

Gifts can be pretty much anything; An in-game object/build to a real life picture or recording. My point is go crazy! If you need any ideas for gifts, check out threads from previous years. I think there was some pretty neat stuff in there.
Year 1
Year 2

Year 3

If you want to sign-up, just make a post saying something along the lines of ‘I’m here and want to participate!’. Sign-ups will close the 1st of December, and gifts will be due the 25th of December.

This year I wanted to propose something: that if you are willing to provide some kind of address, we could ship some of the presents to those who have provided their address! This is of course not mandatory and perhaps not even allowed (anyone wanna help clear me here) but assuming it is, you can either message me your address and I'll give it to the person who needs it, or you can post it in the thread here. Of course since many of us are international, it might be a bit tricky to send things to each other, but I thought you all might want to at least have the possibility of actually receiving the gifts that we make for each other, if they aren't just digital anyways. If reddit can do it then why not us!

Anyhow, Merry Christmas Minr!
Minecraft Christmas Tree.jpg
People Signed Up:
- Swimmy1212
- Ninja_Cat_
- Rebplane
- CreepaShadowz
- Jsnick
- Hex
- Zatharel
- MarstaVider
- Zombie
- Burenie
- Pekachoo
- MobotMan
- PFried1313
- Metsune
- Yeroc424
- Pieceofcheese87
- Red_Eyed_Cat
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Friendly Assassin Sheep
Feb 7, 2016
Btw I'm just going to send you one of those $4 fidget spinners, so don't expect much


Mafia Overseer 2.0
Nov 2, 2013
Sign Up's are now closed.

I'll send out who gets who later today

Stay Tuned!


PM's have been sent to everyone except @PFried1313 to whom I was unable to send a PM on the forums.

To @PFried1313:
You probably have a setting in your cpanel set so that only people you follow can send you PM's, in which case either change it and message me here or in a PM, or give me some other way to contact you to give you your secret santa assignment


All PM's have been sent, have fun and be nice!
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