[Suggestion] Alternate Airship Design

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Maze Connoisseur
Apr 21, 2014
Side Note: This is a suggestion, not a request. The prefix was labelled as a suggestion, and I can't get rid of it now :(.

Hey all. Even though I have heard that a potentially new FFA design not involving the airship is in the works, I still made this anyway.

It is basically a reorganisation of the Airship deck (plus a few other additional changes inside) plus a massive MAPS sign with an arrow on the floor to funnel players to the maps. It also comes with the (optional) extras of two "MiniBlimps" with one have FFA+ and HC warps and the other having Challenges and Minigames (clearly labelled).

Map signs and item frames are not included. The attached file has a world and a schematic (but the schematic doesn't contain the item frames on the help board as schematics only record blocks).



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minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Fixed it for ya

Because the remake is already in the works, I personally feel that this change wouldn't be the best idea. I feel that the effort to make such changes would be better spent going towards the rebuild project.


TF2 Engineer
Oct 28, 2013
Copy pasting from another thread on potential FFA+ redesigns in the works (Was in the mods forums0:

4. Redesign FFA+ (Lead by an OP, mods and greens can help with resources and/or creative.)

Keeping in line with number 3, I was thinking that we need to combine FFA/FFA+. The underground design functions as a secondary area instead of an expansion to FFA. I was thinking a cloud design (See prototype below the valley), but am open to other designs. If someone wants to head this up (I'd be fine with a green or mod leading this with OP supervision) please PM me.

Current suggested designs were clouds around the ship, or a dock / town next to the ship. If we go with the latter we need to teraform most of the area around the FFA ship and scrap some of the more random stuff around it.

8.1. Incorporate voting into spawn or FFA Hub airship. (Any OP)

Self-explanatory, give them somewhere to get started for helping the server's visibility.


minr op since Nov 2011
Oct 28, 2013
Zath and I have been working on getting the redesign started. We have an area selected and have a general plan outlined. If anyone wishes to help, let us know on discord so you can be brought in to see the plan
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