Resolved - The Portal Skip

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Active Player
Aug 20, 2017
For the longest time I never understood why people thought The Portal was easy, but I now understand why. There is a skip in the library that actually skips half of the library. I'm not sure if this is just an accepted skip since im sure half the people that beat the map used this. So at the "leap of faith", what you are supposed to do is drop down directly below the sign onto another ladder. It's not even a jump its just a drop down onto a ladder. To do the skip, you instead do a hard neo onto another ladder that's on the other side of the library, skiping ALOT of jumps, nearly half the library.

Now I know there is split paths in the library, there is actually 2 sections of the library that splits paths. However they both have about the same number of jumps, and they always connect back up to the same spot a couple jumps later. There is no way that this could be considered an alternate path since it skips half the room. Another factor that hints where your supposed to go is the direction of the sign. If you were supposed to do the hard neo at the leap of faith, the sign wouldn't have been placed sideways, its placed sideways because its hinting toward the direction your supposed to go.

Anyways, I guess this is why people say The Portal is easy, I've thought it was extremely hard, but if this skip is accepted and stays in, then I do too agree this map is very easy and I could beat it in not a large amount of time.
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