Game - Two Rooms and a Boom


Well-Known Player
Jan 4, 2014
Hi everyone,

It's been a while since we've played something other than Mafia so I'm planning to start a game of Two Rooms and a Boom fairly soon. It's a fun and fairly quick little game that requires good communication and a healthy amount of deceit.

The game will be take place on a Discord server so Discord will be required (Text only).

If you haven't heard of the game, the basic rules are here:
I can imagine that most people won't have played it before so this first game will be fairly laid-back.

If you're interested, drop a message on this thread or message me on Discord and I will post a more in-depth explanation of how I'll be running the game in the next couple of days :)


Well-Known Player
Jan 4, 2014
Okay so here's the general rundown ladies and gentlemen. If you don't understand anything, feel free to ask but this first game is going to be slow and messy so that everyone can learn :) It might look complicated but it's actually super simple once you get going, trust me

You will be split evenly into two teams, the REDs and the BLUEs, both teams with a slightly different goal. On the RED team, there is one BOMBER and, on the BLUE team, there is one PRESIDENT. The goal for the REDs is to end the game with their BOMBER in the same room (Discord chat) as the PRESIDENT. The goal for the BLUEs is to prevent this from happening.

At the start of the game, all players will randomly be split into two private Discord chats/rooms (REDs and BLUEs will be mixed up in these rooms). You will be able to communicate with any players currently in your room but you may not communicate with players in the other room. Each room will first elect a leader by democratic vote, one player must nominate a candidate and then a majority vote must be passed.

There will be 5 48hr rounds in the game. In each round, the leader in each room must choose one player to be sent as a hostage into the other room. At the end of the 48hr cycle, these two players will swap rooms and a new round will begin. The other members of the room have no power over who is sent as hostage, but may attempt to influence the leader.

At any time in the game, players in a room may choose to overthrow their leader, by nominating a new leader and having them win a majority vote.

You are permitted to share your colour (and/or role as BOMBER or PRESIDENT) with any other player in your room, your role PMs will include a special token that can be sent to prove you are telling the truth.

I'm not going to add in any tactics here, as I think it'll be fun for you guys to work tactics out as you play. However I'll point out that you always want to aim for a majority of your colour in your room. Colour majority -> You can vote for who you want as leader -> You control who leaves your room

Any questions, let me know.

I will post a Discord link on THIS THREAD at some point in the next few hours, I will give you 48 hours to join the Discord and the game will then begin.


Well-Known Player
Jan 4, 2014
Thanks to everyone for playing, I don't think anyone expected the early ending but glad to hear that you all enjoyed the game. I'm already planning the next one and I think next time will be played over the course of one evening which should make things even more exciting. As promised, here are a few of my favourite moments:

1.) Mobot and Swimmy being basically the first two people to private message each other, it got very awkward very fast.
2.) Mobot sending a fake role card as a meme and accidentally throwing people off his trail for the whole game
3.) C pretending to be AFK in order to avoid answering questions
4.) Everyone saying things like “hamster probably split up the spies and wouldn't have put bomber and president in the same room" but I literally just used a random name picker for everything.
5.) Room B Blues designing 'Operation Clusterf**k' (I still have no idea what this involved.
6.) Trying to moderate the round 2 -> 3 swap drunk in a pub toilet (and Fire being AFK which made everything 100x more complicated)
7.) Finally, this exceptional piece of tactics from Creepa:

CreepaShadowz-yo luma
Pro Luma- hi there
CreepaShadowz- want cookies?
Pro Luma-???
CreepaShadowz- I have this here *cookie emoji*. You can have it 24 hours from now.
Pro Luma- vote me up and then we can confer
CreepaShadowz - leaders aren't allowed to eat the cookie
so if you become leader, then you don't get the cookie