Search results

  1. R

    Game Survivor (In Progress)

    Ready to praise the tribal elders
  2. R

    Minr Mafia XXII - Spirits (Game Over)

    Glad to have irritated the mafia for the two days I was alive. GG, grats to the mafia team for a job well done!
  3. R

    Resolved Random Scrolling on Wiki

    One consistent vertical scrolling thing that happens is when you scroll up from the "Latest Update" section on the main page
  4. R

    Resolved Random Scrolling on Wiki

    Recently, I've been updating the wiki so it isn't outdated in multiple aspects of the server (some pages are nearing a year old), but I've been running into the problem that the page will randomly start scrolling downward when I'm not moving the mouse wheel or pressing an arrow key. The weird...
  5. R

    Minr Mafia XXII - Spirits (Game Over)

    Ready to haunt!
  6. R

    Resolved Wool Endless Skip

    Should be fixed now with the raising of the iron bars by 2 blocks
  7. R

    Pending Co-op Skips List (Part 1)

    Pretty sure there is a heaping of skips throughout the DOOM-ed levels, although much of those might be not co-op. Unable to get online currently, so I can’t help unfortunately for now.
  8. R

    Resolved Old HC - Third Stage

    This time around in my opinion patching a skip like this takes some of the luster away from being a truly nostalgic map, even if the walls patching the skip are made invisible. I'd rather the map be faithful to the original hardcore run it is based off of, considering it's not a skip without...
  9. R

    Resolved Serene buttons in the farm not changing wool

    There's some nostalgia in a combo lock rotating with pistons, and it doesn't have the large-scale issue or annoyance of The Coke Can. Fixed the issue of both of the piston combos, although something weird looked like it happened as one piston was gone for both and another was missing an obsidian...
  10. R

    Resolved [1.13] Kakashi Problems

    Another note with the signs in Kakashi, some of the signs look like they have non-transferred characters from 1.12 to 1.13.1, so redoing the signs is going to have to occur after updating the normal server.
  11. R

    Resolved creative in zero

    Fixed by adding the game-mode flag to the world region in Zero Thanks for reporting! :D
  12. R

    Happy Birthday Sleek!

    Happy Birthday Sleek!
  13. R

    Event Purple Comet in Orbit!

    Due to server consensus + recent rollback, the event will take place September 8th.
  14. R

    Event Purple Comet in Orbit!

    [!] PURPLE COMET IN ORBIT [!] Our sensors indicate that there is a prankster comet in orbit around Zero. Purple in colour, and corruptful in nature, the Purple Comet scatters "Purple Coins" across the galaxy. CometHQ (the ship) has indicated that spawn has been corrupted under the influence of...
  15. R

    Minr Mafia 21: Welcome Aboard!

    Could we get snapshots of the best moments in the game, gwen? It's always fun seeing how well/terrible participants did as a group. +Thanks for the new mafia game, was fun playing!
  16. R

    Minr Mafia 21: Welcome Aboard!

    How exactly do you think grave could be converted if Sem was on deck 3 the whole game?
  17. R

    Minr Mafia 21: Welcome Aboard!

    One swayed innocent? Pretty sure Sem wouldn’t miss the opportunity to do it twice
  18. R

    Minr Mafia 21: Welcome Aboard!

    I am indeed the innocent detective, although I would've liked that to be more secret. Last night after threatening Fire with a gun I decided to investigate SemAelse. The investigation came up to be mafia.
  19. R

    Minr Mafia 21: Welcome Aboard!

    Hope you're right about this #vote sem
  20. R

    Minr Mafia 21: Welcome Aboard!

    There's no water-slides on this thing. :mad: At least it has a pool.