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  1. Srentiln

    Advertising Discussion

    personally, I'm against the youtube ad one. If I were to see a server advertising like that, I'd put it on my "never visit" list, as to me it reeks of as much desperation as advertising it in the chat of another server.
  2. Srentiln

    broke older laptop, found better version of it (better screen, larger HDD, and other things that...

    broke older laptop, found better version of it (better screen, larger HDD, and other things that made it more expensive) ~1/5th orig. price
  3. Srentiln

    [Suggestion] Alternate Airship Design

    Zath and I have been working on getting the redesign started. We have an area selected and have a general plan outlined. If anyone wishes to help, let us know on discord so you can be brought in to see the plan
  4. Srentiln

    [Suggestion] Alternate Airship Design

    Fixed it for ya Because the remake is already in the works, I personally feel that this change wouldn't be the best idea. I feel that the effort to make such changes would be better spent going towards the rebuild project.
  5. Srentiln

    Resolved New discord link?

    IIRC, it's because the link expires (been a while since I read the information on that). If that's the case, might have to look into how to force the forum link to refresh
  6. Srentiln

    Resolved Dropper 2 (Drop 4)

    Could add a cobweb in to slow the fall down. Would cause an increase in run times, but *should* solve the issue more reliably than the water.
  7. Srentiln

    Resolved Big Shortcut in MYTH

    How about creating a custom region flag to auto-kill upon entry? I don't know how customizable worldguard is, so no idea if that is viable
  8. Srentiln

    Resolved Big Shortcut in MYTH

    Is there a way that we could impliment something like this to insta-kill if they touch the lava?
  9. Srentiln

    Been at the vet since 8:45 this morning (now 2:00) to get two doggies tooth cleanings. Very...

    Been at the vet since 8:45 this morning (now 2:00) to get two doggies tooth cleanings. Very hungry and still waiting for one to be done.
  10. Srentiln


    Personally, I didn't bother responding to the thread at first because I don't consider damage-jumping a cheat/glitch. As to the riddle, people do try googling it all the time, but don't really find anything all that helpful.
  11. Srentiln

    What did you get over the Holidays?

    Chocolate (yum!), new pliers for my chainmaille, cloths, a blanket, and a fitbit that I want to tell them to get their money back for, but don't know how to do so without sounding ungrateful for the thought.
  12. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia 18- Rebirth

    I think if nah hadn't made the slip of talking about the potential for a fake role, they might have gotten another kill in
  13. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia 18- Rebirth

    Even if you said nothing about the defib, the fact you knew there was a possibility of a fake role card did you in. Nice round electro, I liked the shop addition and hope to see it implemented in future rounds.
  14. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia 18- Rebirth

    Since we have the confirmation of end-game, was there a second independent? I'm just curious if there was a counter-balance to sleek
  15. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia 18- Rebirth

    (yes odin, I sent it to everyone. I had nothing useful to say ever, so I used my power to just mess with everyone and build up the cash :P )
  16. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia 18- Rebirth

    well, electro told me I'm dead already, so I'll just say this: You guys already know what to do, just see it through
  17. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia 18- Rebirth

    Okay, we already know creepa is mafia, so next morning we can get rid of him easily. Fake role card probably still holds its effect. Not specifically stated, but the fact that it says it shows the fake role in death just makes me think that. If we hunker down, we should be fine.
  18. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia 18- Rebirth

    luma, zath, odin: assuming that nah is telling the truth (and I know each of you who isn't a mafia is going to think similarly), I need to hear some reason as to why to trust you. I trust that rman is innocent since he's called out two mafia and, as a ploy, that would be rather risky.
  19. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia 18- Rebirth

    nah's statement only solidifies in my mind the thought that he is not the actual role checker. He visits zath and luma, doesn't visit me, and yet has only checked my role... Additionally, your statement that creeper told you that he stole something makes me feel even more that you are on his...
  20. Srentiln

    Minr Mafia 18- Rebirth

    I will add one more thing: While nah had told me my role details, he didn't visit me the night before. Either he isn't the one who saw my role, or he used his only invis potion