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  1. Pieceofcheese87


    Pieceofcheese87 published a new article: Read more about this article...
  2. Pieceofcheese87

    MINR Mafia Round 4

    not gonna bother voting, because if I do people would probably be like "ooh, he's the gliiiiiitch!!1!1!" *vote nobody
  3. Pieceofcheese87

    MINR Mafia Round 4

    *nominate creeperTNTman
  4. Pieceofcheese87

    MINR Mafia Round 4

    seems like a majority has been reached, so i'll just vote myself. *vote pieceofcheese87
  5. Pieceofcheese87

    Rate The Username of the person above you

    Unnecessary number at the end Some mis-read your name as jk-jelly no idea what it means can lead to confusion when you say "jk" in chat 4/10
  6. Pieceofcheese87

    MINR Mafia Round 4

    *nominate srentiln might be playing some sort of mind game by stating that saying something is suspicious is suspicious...
  7. Pieceofcheese87

    MINR Mafia Round 4

    i'll join also your story sounds like it would be a cool idea for an actual map in minr xD
  8. Pieceofcheese87

    Impressive maze Troll Kingdom?

    Kaddekes built it
  9. Pieceofcheese87

    Scumbag admin

    Tells you aqueous is the easiest map.
  10. Pieceofcheese87

    Wrecking Ball- Sarah Blackwood, Jenni, and Emily

    This is my preferred version.
  11. Pieceofcheese87

    Candy Box 2

    You dont get anything after the guy uncovers a chest with a chocolate bar. I just saved you like 10,000 candies.
  12. Pieceofcheese87

    If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, then why is my chicken sandwich cold?

    If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, then why is my chicken sandwich cold?
  13. Pieceofcheese87


    where is the "nothing" option?
  14. Pieceofcheese87

    The text in ban appeals...

    "We at the community take bans very seriously. A lot of time and effort has been put into our niche community. We truly are one of a kind. We are a fair community but some things will not be tolerated. Please give as much detail as possible when appealing for your ban. Do not lie...
  15. Pieceofcheese87

    New Forum

    The forum is looking great so far. Will this replace the old one?
  16. Pieceofcheese87


  17. Pieceofcheese87

    eating cheese.

    eating cheese.